During patient hospitalization,the nurse must monitor vital signs aspart of fluid volume assessment,determine adequacy of electrolytevalues, and assess abdominal girthand presence of peripheral edema toidentify fluid retention. Use of lukewarm(body temperature) dialysissolution promotes comfort and maximizesmembrane vascularity. Filllines should be primed to prevent airentry to the peritoneal cavity thatcan cause patient discomfort. Thenurse should observe for respiratorydistress in patients who have respiratorydiseases or cardiac conditions.Patients’ peritoneal cavity should bedrained promptly after the prescribeddwell time and replenishedwith fresh solution to improve clearanceand ultrafiltration. Patientsshould be repositioned or helped tosit upright during the drain phase tofacilitate complete drainage. Thenurse should monitor the effluentfor clarity, color, and amount at theend of treatment (LeMone, Burke,Bauldoff, & Gubrud, 2015). Treat -ment details should be documentedon the appropriate flow sheet ormedical record per protocol. Vitalsigns before and after treatmentshould be compared to identify benefitsor adverse effects.The nurse can avoid touch contaminationduring treatments byusing aseptic technique (LeMone etal., 2015). Patients receiving PD can betaught how to avoid constipation tofacilitate complete dialysate drainageand prevent intramural infection(Guest, 2014). Dietary restrictions areminimal; the nurse can recommend arenal dietary consultation to help thepatient benefit from a low-calorie,high-protein diet, which is also low inphosphorus. The recommendeddietary protein intake for patientsreceiving PD is 1.2-1.3 g/kg of bodyweight per day (NKF, 2017b).Nursing management for dischargedpatients plays a major rolein successful provision of adequatetherapy and infection prevention.Using the ISPD guidelines, nursestrain patients and/or caregivers tohelp them become experts in theirown care (Figueiredo et al., 2016).Also, PD nurses perform the peritonealequilibration test and the PDadequacy test (Kt/V) as describedbelow. In addition, nurses continuouslymonitor home dialysis treatmentsand complete monthly followup to manage PD effectively foraffected patients (Woodrow, Fan,Reid, Denning, & Pyrah, 2017).