In service consumption situations, servicescape, defined as “the man-made,physical surroundings as opposed to the natural or social environment” (Bitner,1992, p. 58), has been studied for more than a decade. Servicescape has beenaccepted as an important determinant of customer psychology (e.g., satisfaction,emotion) and behavior (e.g., patronage, positive word of mouth) when a serviceis consumed primarily for hedonic reasons and when customers spend moderateto long time in the service delivery setting (Wakefield & Blodgett, 1994).For instance, customers of upscale restaurants often spend 2 hrs or more, sensingphysical surroundings consciously and unconsciously before, during, andafter their meal. Although foods and services should be of acceptable quality,pleasing servicescape (e.g., lighting, décor, and layout) may influence thedegree of positive emotions and subsequent behavior (Donovan & Rossiter,1982; Mehrabian & Russell, 1974).