Colors have messages and special attractiveness which are used separately or in combination with each other. Also you should think about the relation between product and types of packaging in market. In many cases, in addition to knowledge about artistic techniques and psychology of colors, there should be knowledge of protection materials in packaging. Each product should have special color and designer shall have enough knowledge to select a color. Packaging Design is one of the important subdivisions of advertising art and has an important role in economical trend of societies. Exporting products judge based on a good design of packaging not only the quality of products. Color should be used properly. For example, green color based on the situation can indicate decay in one packaging and freshness in others. In selecting the colors for beverage and foods, we can use a color based on the color of the food. For example in selecting the color for tea, light colors can be used. But for tea, dark color can be used also to show quality of product in the mind of consumer. Using related pictures can create a kind of distinguished quality for products. Using colors properly can carry a massage and finding a product in a shop is easy in this way. But in men products, for example, using the least colors can indicate a strong and manhood status. Blue, green and yellow are fresh and live colors in packaging. These colors can be used in packaging mineral water, vegetables and fruits. Using blue color for foot spray can be a proper choice and designer can transfer a feeling of coolness and cleanness.
Also, using bright colors such as pink, blue, and yellow is appropriate for light products. Sometimes golden and silver colors with blue, brown, and gray can be used to create the effect of good quality and charming. These colors can be used for products such as chocolates, perfume, and those products which should be suggested to be expensive. Then we can use a beautiful and proper color to attract customers and increase the sale and it can be as a guarantee for consumers. Finally it should be mentioned that in selecting the color for packaging, the effects on target group shall be considered. For example, this is a packaging for a fertilizer.
颜色有消息和特殊的魅力,可单独或相互组合。此外你应该考虑产品和包装在市场中的类型之间的关系。在许多情况下,除了关于艺术技巧和颜色,心理学知识的过程中,应该有保护材料在包装中的知识。每种产品应具有特殊颜色和设计师应具备足够的知识来选择一种颜色。包装设计是广告艺术的重要分支机构之一,在社会经济发展趋势具有重要的作用。出口产品法官基于一个设计良好的包装不仅是产品的质量。应正确使用颜色。例如,基于这种情况的绿色颜色可以表明在一个包装中的衰减和别人的新鲜。在选择饮料和食物的颜色,我们可以使用基于颜色的食物的颜色。例如在选择茶的颜色,可以用光的颜色。但对于茶,暗色调可以用于也显示质量的产品在消费者心目中。使用相关的图片,可以创建一种产品的卓越品质。正确使用颜色可以进行按摩,在一家商店找到一种产品很容易在这种方式。但在男性产品,例如,使用最少的颜色可以表明强和男子气概的地位。蓝色,绿色和黄色是新鲜和鲜活的色彩,在包装。这些颜色可以用于包装矿泉水、 蔬菜和水果。使用蓝色足部喷雾可以是正确的选择和设计器可以转移的凉爽和清洁的感觉。Also, using bright colors such as pink, blue, and yellow is appropriate for light products. Sometimes golden and silver colors with blue, brown, and gray can be used to create the effect of good quality and charming. These colors can be used for products such as chocolates, perfume, and those products which should be suggested to be expensive. Then we can use a beautiful and proper color to attract customers and increase the sale and it can be as a guarantee for consumers. Finally it should be mentioned that in selecting the color for packaging, the effects on target group shall be considered. For example, this is a packaging for a fertilizer.