Figure 1. PZB Service Quality Model
It’s main concept is customers are decision makers of service quality, enterprises should meet the needs of customers, which is necessary to smooth five notches. Meanwhile, it
also summed up ten dimensions measured the service quality (a total of 97 questions), including reliability, responsiveness, competence, access, courtesy, communication, credibility, security, knowing the customer and tangibles.
Gap 1: between customer expectation and manager perception, and when companies don't understand the customer's expectations, it cannot provide customer satisfaction.
Gap 2: between management perception and service quality specification, the companies may be limited by resource constraints and market conditions, and fail reach the standardization of services, resulting in gaps in the quality of management.
Gap 3: between service quality specification and service delivery, the employees are incapable or lacking of training, it will affect customer perception of service quality.
Gap 4: between service delivery and external communication, such as exaggerated advertising, resulting in customer over expectation, when actual service is not as good as expected, will reduce its perception of service quality.
Gap 5: between expected service and experienced service, refers to the gap between the perceptions of the customer after receiving the service, only is this gap determined size by the customer.
PZB the scholars refined the 10 determinants in 1988 according to the proposed service quality in 1985 into five factors, as "SERVQUAL" scale.
1. Tangibles: The appearance of physical facilities, tools and equipment, personnel.
2. Reliability: The ability to perform promised service reliably and correctly.
3. Responsiveness: The willingness to help customers and provide prompt service.
4. Assurance: The knowledge and courtesy of employees and be able to convey trust and confidence.
5. Empathy: Provision of care, individualized attention to customers.
Based on the results of the academic research shows that the merits and drawbacks of using service quality assessment model is remained, even with the same pattern, the results are
different as business sector and situation is different. The subject for the study is on service quality of domestic public hot-spring hotels, which with a view of understanding whether SERVQUAL scale adapted to the research of service quality with the domestic quality of service as basis, coupled with the hot spring characteristics for further research.
This study aimed to explore the application of PZB model in ryokan public service quality gap and satisfaction.