Gui/Mrs Cheung is the central character of the film. From a very young age,Gui/Mrs Cheung bears the brunt of the financial burden at home. However, shenever complains. In fact, whenever she stands in for someone playing mah-jong,she always pays losses out of her own pocket, but never takes any winnings. Shealso helps the old lady, Granny Leung Foon, by sending her son round to changelight bulbs and move the television, going with her to Shatin / Shatin to visit hergrandson and even spending the mid-Autumn festival with her. Gui’s/ MrsCheung’s companionship has a profound impact on the lonely Granny LeungFoon, giving her some comfort in her old age. Gui/Mrs Cheung is an earnestwoman. She is never deceptive but lives honestly and treats the people aroundher with kindness.