Most aerobic treatment units are also flow through systems. Unlike septic tanks, aerobic treatment units perform primary (anaerobic) treatment and secondary (aerobic) treatment within the confines of the system. This arrangement provides a much higher degree of treatment within a relatively small area. As traditional aerobic treatment units are designed for a much higher removal of solids and organic compounds than anaerobic treatment units, a downstream device is frequently not required or is severely diminished in size compared to one which would be required downstream of a septic tank. In a traditional aerobic treatment unit, the first stage of the process is called pretreatment and provides for anaerobic treatment very much like that provided by a septic tank. A separate, isolated pretreatment chamber contains sufficient hydraulic capacity to slow the velocity of the flow somewhat and allows the settling of some of the solids to take place. Anaerobic bacteria partially degrade the organic material in the waste. As a flow through system, the contents of the pretreatment chamber (partially treated waste) are displaced by incoming sewage, and are transferred to the aeration chamber or biological reactor.
Within the aeration chamber, air is introduced in controlled amounts creating a proper environment for the development of a number of types of aerobic bacteria. The aerobic bacteria maintain a higher metabolic rate than anaerobic bacteria, which causes them to readily consume the organic material contained in the pretreated sewage. Prior to discharge of this flow through system, the aerobic bacteria (commonly called activated sludge) must be separated from the treated liquid. If the activated sludge particles are allowed to exit the system, two problems occur. First, the activated sludge would not be available to treat additional incoming sewage. As the system is operated on a continuing basis, the cultured bacteria need to be retained for future use. Secondly, if the activated sludge is allowed to be discharged from the system, the organic nature of the sludge would be considered a pollutant if returned directly to the environment.