Non-uniform sediment deposited in a confined, steep mountain channel can alter the bed surfacecomposition. This study evaluates the contribution of geometric and resistance parameters to bed stabilization and the reduction in sediment transport. Flume experiments were done under varioushydraulic conditions with non-uniform bed material and no sediment supply from upstream. Resultsindicate that flume channels respond in a sequence of coarsening and with the formation of bedformroughness features such as rapids, cascades, and steps. A bedform development coefficient is introducedand is shown to increase (i.e. vertical sinuosity develops) in response to increasing shear stress duringthe organization process. The bedform development coefficient also is positively correlated with thecritical Shields number and Manning's roughness coefficient, suggesting the evolution of flow resistancewith increasing bedform development. The sediment transport rate decreases with increasing bed shearstress and bedform development, further illustrating the effect of bed stabilization. An empirical sediment transport model for an equilibrium condition is proposed that uses the bedform developmentcoefficient, relative particle submergence (i.e. the ratio of mean water depth and maximum sedimentdiameter), modified bed slope, and discharge. The model suggests bedform development can play aprimary role in reducing sediment transport (increasing bed stabilization). The model is an extension ofLane's (1955) relation specifically adapted for mountain streams. These results explain the significance ofbedform development in heightening flow resistance, stabilizing the bed, and reducing sedimenttransport in coarse, steep channels.