3. Results 3.1. Data availability Table 2 shows data availability for the pooled data set as well as for each individual study. Overall compliance with the EMA and accelerometer protocols was high. Averaging across all studies, participants answered an average of 79% of EMA prompts and 87% of participants provided at least 4 valid days of accelerometer data. For the analysis involving positive affect, complete data were available for 617 participants (20,777 total observations) of the 661 individuals participating in the four studies. Participants were excluded from the analysis (n=44) for several reasons: (i) participant had no valid accelerometer data (n=17). (ii) participant had no variability in ratings of positive affect (in most cases this was attributable to participants only have one or two EMA ratings of positive affect, n=10), (iii) participants did not provide demographic information (n=10), (iv) participant had no EMA ratings of positive affect (n=3), (v) participants had no EMA ratings of positive affect nor valid accelerometer data (n=2) or (vi) participant had no data on any variables included in the model (n=2).