B. Mary, do you believe in ESP? Jung talked about synchronicity, a kind of cause and
effect that isn't coincidence. There is a kind of meaning to events. Now in this case, I
believe that the card you selected wasn't just due to chance. I sense that you are
concerned about a relationship (money, love, work, communication, etc.), and that
you are in a sense, tying to understand or perhaps make a decision. That would
indicate to me that you would be likely to choose a heart (name the suit), and that the
particular card in that suit would be either a 2 or a 3. Since you seem to be a very
sensitive and concerned person, and are more creative in your thinking than many
people, I would suspect that it would be the 3 rather than the 2. Was your card the 3 of
hearts? Your intuitive powers and ability to concentrate, your will power is, in fact,
very strong when you really want to apply it. Your open-mindedness and your
determination can work for you.
“Psychic” is an emotionally-charged term. People have strong reactions to it, some of
which are positive and some are negative. Some people. Perhaps due to their religious views or
other beliefs, are bothered by and uncomfortable with the term. Others are drawn to psychic fairs
and book stores. Exercise caution in the selection of the means by which you will present your
readings. You might use terms such as personality readings, character profiles, psychological
sketches or simply impressions and be more generally acceptable.
Cold reading is the description of the personality, characteristics, features, past
experiences, and sometimes the future of a person without the use of standard psychological or
other formal diagnostic procedures. It is presented as coming from psychic channels, auras,
astrological sources, tea leaves, lines in the palm, or almost anything else ranging from soup to
Profiling is similar in nature and procedure, but is presented as less specific, more of a
general reading about the nature of the person, a profile. It is not inclusive of specifics about any
future events, and avoids any medical diagnosis or implications.
Why are psychic or cold readings done?
Throughout history, man has sought to understand, predict and control his life and nature.
In primitive cultures, primitive religion emerged, with totems and other ritualistic procedures.
Usually, a special person or craft developed these aspects of prediction and understanding, the
medicine man or shaman. Gradually, in our western tradition or heritage, we find the emergence
of empiricism and cosmology, the naturalistic study of the cosmos or, universe. A second route to
knowledge was opened and moved away from religion and knowledge by revelation or divine
revelation. However, religion or the non-scientific approach to understanding is still popular
today. People love a little mystery, romance, intrigue, and they still like to know about
themselves and the future.
Psychology has learned much about the behavior of people. One facet of man is that
under conditions of stress or uncertainty, the search for information is increased. Thus, when
B. Mary, do you believe in ESP? Jung talked about synchronicity, a kind of cause andeffect that isn't coincidence. There is a kind of meaning to events. Now in this case, Ibelieve that the card you selected wasn't just due to chance. I sense that you areconcerned about a relationship (money, love, work, communication, etc.), and thatyou are in a sense, tying to understand or perhaps make a decision. That wouldindicate to me that you would be likely to choose a heart (name the suit), and that theparticular card in that suit would be either a 2 or a 3. Since you seem to be a verysensitive and concerned person, and are more creative in your thinking than manypeople, I would suspect that it would be the 3 rather than the 2. Was your card the 3 ofhearts? Your intuitive powers and ability to concentrate, your will power is, in fact,very strong when you really want to apply it. Your open-mindedness and yourdetermination can work for you.READINGS“Psychic” is an emotionally-charged term. People have strong reactions to it, some ofwhich are positive and some are negative. Some people. Perhaps due to their religious views orother beliefs, are bothered by and uncomfortable with the term. Others are drawn to psychic fairsand book stores. Exercise caution in the selection of the means by which you will present yourreadings. You might use terms such as personality readings, character profiles, psychologicalsketches or simply impressions and be more generally acceptable.Cold reading is the description of the personality, characteristics, features, pastexperiences, and sometimes the future of a person without the use of standard psychological orother formal diagnostic procedures. It is presented as coming from psychic channels, auras,astrological sources, tea leaves, lines in the palm, or almost anything else ranging from soup tonuts.Profiling is similar in nature and procedure, but is presented as less specific, more of ageneral reading about the nature of the person, a profile. It is not inclusive of specifics about anyfuture events, and avoids any medical diagnosis or implications.Why are psychic or cold readings done?Throughout history, man has sought to understand, predict and control his life and nature.In primitive cultures, primitive religion emerged, with totems and other ritualistic procedures.Usually, a special person or craft developed these aspects of prediction and understanding, themedicine man or shaman. Gradually, in our western tradition or heritage, we find the emergenceof empiricism and cosmology, the naturalistic study of the cosmos or, universe. A second route toknowledge was opened and moved away from religion and knowledge by revelation or divinerevelation. However, religion or the non-scientific approach to understanding is still populartoday. People love a little mystery, romance, intrigue, and they still like to know about自己和未来。心理学已经掌握了关于人的行为。人的一个方面是,在条件下的应力或不确定性,增加了信息搜索。因此,当