Where’s your favorite place to be kissed?
Whew! Is it getting steamy in here or is it just us? How much more flirty can you get than with this question to ask your boyfriend.
What turns you on the most?
If it was getting steamy before, it’s going to turn into a full blown sauna soon!
What’s the first thing you notice on a girl?
It could be he loved your eyes, your lips, etc. Whatever the case may be, this question always leads to large amounts of flattery. What’s more important than flattery when it comes to flirting?
How would you describe the perfect kiss?
Let him tell you, then you can show him how it’s really done.
What’s your favorite nickname to be called?
A great question to ask your boyfriend so you know if he likes that you call him honey bear or if he’d prefer something else.
Have you been working out lately?
The ultimate complement in question form! If this doesn’t make him blush then we don’t know what will!
Do you like it when I touch your hair?
If he tally digs you, then we are sure he won’t have a problem with it. However, asking is polite and can lead you both to run your hands through each other’s hair.
Do you like to be kissed on the neck?
*Fans self*
Would you kiss me on the neck?
*Wipes sweat off brow*
The flirt meter is off the charts with these types of questions!