As hypothesized, a significant interaction emerged, F(1, 146) = 11.13, p = .001, η2 p = .071. As Figure 3 illustrates, for participants in the head-nodding condition, those who were assigned to generate and listen to positive self-statements performed a significantly better 1RM deadlift (M = 175.23, SD = 55.08) than those who were assigned to generate and listen to negative self-statements (M = 122.31, SD = 39.32), F(1, 146) = 22.62, p < .001, η2 p = .134. However, for participants in the head-shaking condition, no difference was found between those who were assigned to generate and listen to positive (M = 144.08, SD = 49.85) versus negative (M =143.65, SD = 46.22) self-statements, F(1, 146) = 0.00, p = .969, η2 p = .000.