It was nearly one-thirty before Carol began to recover from the powerful shock of the tazer. She slide herself over to the glass wall near the crying Dylan. Who had her back to her and didn’t see Carol regain consciousness.
As she reached the glass wall, Dylan must have seen her shadow or maybe scented Carol’s presents. She turned and saw Carol leaning against the wall.
Carol could see the tears streaming from Dylan’s lovely eyes. Who was so happy to see Carol was alive. Dylan saw Carol’s lips moving and the only thing she could think she was possibly saying was; we’ll be ok I’m here stop crying we’ll be ok.
It took Carol sometime to fully regain her strength. She saw Dylan mouthing some words and pointing at her uncovered tray and untouched food; those words were of course last meal?
Carol threw back the linen cloth off hers. Saw the fancy meal. Picked up the tray and throw in the direction of the door.
Back in another part of the sawmill, the English woman watched the monitor. Miss Warren’s charging the guard!
Heaving at the door?
Dylan being a screamed, crying stereotypical damsel in distress?
We’ll use it when we make the DVD. She told her people. And hoping anything else interesting our two lovebirds want to give us. And since our two lovebirds appear not to be hungry? Such a waste of a fine meal especially when there people in this world starving.
On the console in-front of her, she pushed a button.
Watching on the monitors as a green gas appeared and began to cover the floor before slowly starting to rise. Carol must have scents it was only harmless chloroform gas. So she wasn’t panicking like Dylan.
She quickly grabbed the linen cloth off the tray and tried holding over her mouth and nose and breath through it in an effort to stave off the gas.
Dylan was pounding on the glass wall near the door. Frantic and screaming like crazy. The English woman turned on the hidden microphone in Dylan’s cell to capture the moment.
The gas quickly climbed above both women’s knees and then their waist. They could hear Dylan beginning to cough as she was being overcome by the chloroform gas.
Her screaming and pounding slowly became less and less. Carol thanks to the cloth was farther from being overcome. But the cloth wasn’t keeping all the gas out.
She was looking straight at Dylan when she finally was overcome and slipped under the blanket of green gas and from Carol’s view.
It took a couple more minutes and the gas now at chest level. Carol Warren too was finally overcome. Dropping the cloth and slipping beneath the level of the green gas.
The gas of turned off and powerful fans switched on to suck the green gas out of each cell. Monitors measured the levels of chloroform in each cell. It would be at least twenty minutes before the levels would safe for her employees to enter the cell and collect to women and deliver them into the path of the twin buzzsaws.
It was now under three and half hours from the time when each of the buzzsaws would make intimate contract with their womanhood between Dylan and Carol’s legs.