make or save you money, now and over the next 12 months. The patterns unfold three times this week, including Venus and Hygiea in Libra on Tuesday 20th, the Sun there from Thursday 22nd and – this is the big one - Jupiter quincunx Ceres on Sunday 25th. Bacchus and Cupido in Scorpio tell me the reason for the money saved or made, might just be via foreign people or places, but you could actually do very nicely from your apartment, house, bank, business, collectors’ items, possessions or fundraising – just by saying the magic word ‘yes’ more than usual.
Venus in Scorpio from Friday 23rd and Bacchus and Diana there on Saturday 24th all signal a very welcome change with your ideas about journeys for the mind, or literal journeys (pack your bag). I know that you went through a very tough time in that 2012-2015 cycle with your travel, education, university, publishing, internet, foreign or regional plans. Now, ditch past baggage as you on the right road, at the right time, heading in the right direction. In fact, what begins now, mostly through your interest in one woman or feminine man, will bear fantastic results in 12 months if you two stay the course. I have left the crucial news until last. Everything you assumed about/for your partner since August 10th is now changed, as Mercury takes you into a time warp from Thursday 22nd September until Friday 7th October. This also applies to former or potential partners. Enemies too. This was never going to be fixed, firm, final and finished and now you’ll see the flux.