c ―airfoil chord
Cl ―airfoil lift coefficient
Cl,max ―maximum lift coefficient
Cd ―airfoil drag coefficient
Cm ―quarter-chord pitching moment as labeled in Chapter
Cm,c/4 ―airfoil pitching moment about the quarter-chord
L/D ―aircraft lift-to-drag ratio
Re ―Reynolds number based on airfoil chord
s ―distance along airfoil surface
V ―local velocity on airfoil surface
V∞― freestream velocity
x distance along airfoil chord
α―angle of attack
α0l ―angle of attack for zero lift
GPMM ―Great Planes Model Manufacturing
HAWTs ―horizontal axis wind turbines
LSATs ―Low-Speed Airfoil Tests
LTPT ―Low-Turbulence Pressure Tunnel
R/C ―radio controlled
UAV― unmanned aerial vehicle
UIUC ―University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign