CT Skills - Algorithmic Thinking (AL)CS Domain - Algorithms and programmingTags - Sequence, Graph, PointersThis problem is about following pointers: We can think of a move like "3R" from column 2 to column 5 as following a pointer. Given this collection of pointers, which is really a directed graph, we are looking for the "head" or "parent" node of this collection.Following a sequence of pointers is important in memory management by the operating system(or Java garbage collection) so that memory which is no longer being used can be recycled and "reclaimed" for other programs to use. Many software errors can be found by tracing back problematic calculations/instructions back to their parent origin.The goto statement (or jump statement in assembly language) can be modelled by this game. A goto statement indicates that instead of executing the "next" instruction, move to some other part of the program and continue execution. In this task, the "program" is a sequence of goto instructions, where the only "terminating" instruction is the one at position 4.