File not found
File access denied
Field name missing
Field index out of range
Field '%s' must have a value
Field '%s' is of unknown type
Field '%s' is of an unsupported type
Field '%s' is of an unknown type
Field '%s' is not of type Boolean
Field '%s' is not of the expected type
Field '%s' is not indexed and cannot be modified
Field '%s' has no dataset
Field '%s' cannot be used in a filter expression
Field '%s' cannot be modified
Field '%s' cannot be a calculated or lookup field
Failed to set data for '%s'
Failed to read ImageList data from stream
Failed to get data for '%s'
Failed to create key %s
External exception %x
Expression expected but %s found
Execution complete
Execute SQL queries in database %s
Exception %s in module %s at %p.
Error reading %s.%s: %s
Error creating window device context
Error creating window class
Error creating variant array
Error creating cursor handle
Enhanced Metafiles
Edit record
Duplicate session name '%s'
Duplicate index name '%s'
Duplicate field name '%s'
Duplicate driver name.
Duplicate database name '%s'
Drivers and System
Do you want to save?
DLL Name
Division by zero
Disk full
Directory &Name:
Delete record?
Delete record
Delete all selected records?
Delete all
Delete %s?
Definition of %s
DataSource cannot be changed
Dataset not in edit or insert mode
Database name missing
Database handle owned by a different session
Data contained within it will be lost.
Control-C hit
Control '%s' has no parent window
Contents of %s
Constant out of range
Configuration files (*.CFG)|*.CFG
Complete text of %s
Clipboard does not support Icons
Client Setup...
Class %s not found
Circular datalinks are not allowed
Canvas does not allow drawing
Can't write to a read-only resource stream
Cannot perform this operation on an open dataset
Cannot perform this operation on an open database
Cannot perform this operation on an empty dataset
Cannot perform this operation on an active session
Cannot perform this operation on a closed dataset
Cannot perform this operation on a closed database
Cannot open file %s
Cannot modify SessionName while AutoSessionName is enabled
Cannot modify a read-only dataset
Cannot make a visible window modal
Cannot insert or delete rows from grid
Cannot hide an MDI Child Form
Cannot focus a disabled or invisible window
Cannot find
Cannot enable AutoSessionName property with more than one session on a form or data-module
Cannot edit %s
Cannot drag a form
Cannot create form. No MDI forms are currently active
Cannot create file %s
Cannot create a new %s
Cannot connect to database '%s'
Cannot change Visible in OnShow or OnHide
Cannot change the size of an icon
Cannot assign a %s to a %s
Cannot add a session to the form or data-module while session '%s' has AutoSessionName enabled
Cannot access index field '%s'
Cannot access field '%s' in a filter
Cannot access field '%s' as type %s
Cancel edit
Cancel all edits to %s?
Bits index out of range
Bitmap image is not valid
BDE error $%.4x
BDE Administrator
Assertion failed
Apply current configuration changes?
Apply current configuration changes to databases?
Application is not licensed to use this feature
Application Error
Ancestor for '%s' not found
An error occurred while attempting to initialize the Borland Database Engine (error $%.4x)
All Files (*.*)|
All Database Aliases
All BDE applications must be restarted for changes to take effect.
Access violation at address %p. %s of address %p
Access violation at address %p in module '%s'. %s of address %p
Access System Database (*.mdw)|mdw
Access Database (*.mdb)|mdb
Abstract Error
A Win32 API function failed
A value must be specified for %s
A result set was generated, but there are more statements
A control cannot have itself as its parent
A component named %s already exists
A closing %s is missing after character %d
A class named %s already exists
. Do you want to find it yourself?
')' expected but %s found
&Version Information...
&Files: (*.*)
&BDE Administrator...
%s: Field '%s' not found
%s was not found or identified. It is needed to explore databases
%s version mismatch: expecting %s, found %s
%s property out of range
%s on %s
%s must be re-created to save your edits.
'%s' is not a valid time
'%s' is not a valid integer value for field '%s'
'%s' is not a valid integer value
'%s' is not a valid floating point value for field '%s'
'%s' is not a valid floating point value
'%s' is not a valid date and time
'%s' is not a valid date
''%s'' is not a valid component name
'%s' is not a valid boolean value for field '%s'
'%s' has no index for fields '%s'
%s cannot have a value of %s
%s (%s, line %d)
%g is not a valid value for field '%s'. The allowed range