Kampung Kreatif or Creative Village is a concept that was initiated by a couple of social activists and artists, Rahmat Jabaril and Ika Ismurdyahwati in Bandung. They created ‘Taboo Community’, a community that initiated ‘Free School’ in 2003 for Kampung Dago Pojok residents. Taboo Community accommodated the dropout teenagers and provided a program of Early Childhood Education (PAUD), Elementary School (SD), up to Junior High School (SMP). Over time, Jabaril saw the potential for creativity among the residents although it is not yet developed formally in entrepreneurial term. In 2011, Jabaril began to mobilize residents to optimize creative activities in this region, began with decorating Dago Pojok area with mural art and hold arts festival featuring a variety of traditional arts of West Java (see Figure 2 and 3). Creative activities of Kampung Dago Pojok have given the opportunities for residents to express themselves and participated in creative and cultural events that attracted visitors. Kampung
Dago Pojok became widely known as the Creative Village (Kampung Kreatif). The next challenge is how these creative activities can be transformed into a structured and entrepreneurial system that promoting collaboration between Kampung residents with more established creative workers in Bandung to provide sustained benefit particularly in economy and education.
Kampung Kreatif or Creative Village is a concept that was initiated by a couple of social activists and artists, Rahmat Jabaril and Ika Ismurdyahwati in Bandung. They created ‘Taboo Community’, a community that initiated ‘Free School’ in 2003 for Kampung Dago Pojok residents. Taboo Community accommodated the dropout teenagers and provided a program of Early Childhood Education (PAUD), Elementary School (SD), up to Junior High School (SMP). Over time, Jabaril saw the potential for creativity among the residents although it is not yet developed formally in entrepreneurial term. In 2011, Jabaril began to mobilize residents to optimize creative activities in this region, began with decorating Dago Pojok area with mural art and hold arts festival featuring a variety of traditional arts of West Java (see Figure 2 and 3). Creative activities of Kampung Dago Pojok have given the opportunities for residents to express themselves and participated in creative and cultural events that attracted visitors. KampungDago Pojok became widely known as the Creative Village (Kampung Kreatif). The next challenge is how these creative activities can be transformed into a structured and entrepreneurial system that promoting collaboration between Kampung residents with more established creative workers in Bandung to provide sustained benefit particularly in economy and education.