I just wanted to let you all know that the so that has been created is one of the best, if not THE best, launcher I've used. I've left a review on Google Play so I won't rehash that here. However, I am having a slight problem with the launcher and I wanted to let you all know.
First off, I am noticing that the launcher does not keep the fonts I select. When I turn my phone off and on the font reverts to the default, and this is annoying when I want to customize my phone in a way that's pleasing to me.
Lastly, (and this isn't really a concern) the app has many fonts to choose from but what's disappointing is that the app recognizes this, not the phone itself. Would you tell me how to extract said font from this app so that it can be applied to my entire phone? The font in mind is HelveticaNeueUltraLight. This is a font I want displayed throughout my entire phone, however, it's only recognized by the app and, therefore, limited to what the app affects.
Thank you for your time, patience, and services. I look forward to hearing from you.
John D Cornelius Jr