New report also projects good IC sales increases in medical electronics, digital TVs, and servers.
Integrated circuit sales for connections to the Internet of Things are forecast to grow more than three times faster than total IC revenues during the last half of this decade, according to IC Insights’ new 2017 Integrated Circuit Market Drivers report. ICs used to embed Internet of Things (IoT) functionality into a wide range of systems, sensors, and objects are expected to generate sales of $12.8 billion in 2016, says the new report, which becomes available this week.
Between 2015 and 2020, IoT integrated circuit sales are projected to rise by a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 13.3% compared to 4.3% for the entire IC market, which is projected to reach $354.7 billion in four years versus $287.1 billion last year, based on the forecast in the 492-page report. As shown in Figure 1, strong five-year IC sales growth rates are also expected in automotive (a CAGR of 10.3%), medical electronics (a CAGR of 7.3%), digital TVs (a CAGR of 5.9%), and server computers (a CAGR of 5.4%).
Cellphone IC sales—the biggest end-use market application for integrated circuits—are expected to grow by a CAGR of 4.8% in the 2015-2020 period. Saturation in smartphone markets and economic weakness in some developing regions are expected to curb cellphone IC market growth in the next four years after sales increased by a CAGR of 10.8% between 2010 and 2015. Meanwhile, weak and negative IC sales growth rates are expected to continue in standard personal computers, set-top boxes, touchscreen tablets, and video game consoles.
The new 2017 IC Market Drivers report shows 2016 integrated circuit sales for IoT applications climbing nearly 19% compared to 2015 to an estimated $12.8 billion, followed by the automotive segment increasing about 12% to $22.9 billion, medical electronics rising 9% to $4.9 billion, and digital TV systems growing 4% to $12.9 billion this year. The report estimates IC sales growth in server computers being about 3% in 2016 to $15.1 billion, cellphones being 2% to $74.2 billion, and set-top boxes being 2% to $5.7 billion. Meanwhile, standard PC integrated circuit sales are estimated to be down 5% in 2016 to $54.6 billion while video game console IC revenues are expected to finish this year with a 4% drop to $8.9 billion and tablet IC sales are on track to decline 10% to $12.1 billion in 2016, according to IC Insights’ new report.
新報告也專案好 IC 銷售增加醫療電子、 數位電視和伺服器。連接到物聯網的積體電路銷售預計將增長三倍高於 IC 總收入在這十年,去年下半年期間根據 IC Insight 新 2017年積體電路市場驅動程式報告。ICs 用於嵌入到各種系統,感應器,物聯網 (物聯網) 功能和物件預計將在 2016 年,銷售額 $ 128 億說新的報告,本周將變為可用。2015 年至 2020 年,物聯網積體電路銷售額預計將上升的複合年增長率 (CAGR) 的 13.3%,而整個的 IC 市場,預計將達到 $ 3547 億四年與美元 2871 億去年,基於 492 頁的報告中預測的 4.3%。如圖 1 所示,強五年 IC 銷售增長率也是預期中汽車 (複合年增長率為 10.3%),醫療電子 (7.3%的年複合增長率)、 數位電視 (複合年增長率為 5.9%) 和伺服器電腦 (5.4%的年複合增長率)。Cellphone IC sales—the biggest end-use market application for integrated circuits—are expected to grow by a CAGR of 4.8% in the 2015-2020 period. Saturation in smartphone markets and economic weakness in some developing regions are expected to curb cellphone IC market growth in the next four years after sales increased by a CAGR of 10.8% between 2010 and 2015. Meanwhile, weak and negative IC sales growth rates are expected to continue in standard personal computers, set-top boxes, touchscreen tablets, and video game consoles.The new 2017 IC Market Drivers report shows 2016 integrated circuit sales for IoT applications climbing nearly 19% compared to 2015 to an estimated $12.8 billion, followed by the automotive segment increasing about 12% to $22.9 billion, medical electronics rising 9% to $4.9 billion, and digital TV systems growing 4% to $12.9 billion this year. The report estimates IC sales growth in server computers being about 3% in 2016 to $15.1 billion, cellphones being 2% to $74.2 billion, and set-top boxes being 2% to $5.7 billion. Meanwhile, standard PC integrated circuit sales are estimated to be down 5% in 2016 to $54.6 billion while video game console IC revenues are expected to finish this year with a 4% drop to $8.9 billion and tablet IC sales are on track to decline 10% to $12.1 billion in 2016, according to IC Insights’ new report.