I'm sorry to know that you are upset because your order has not been shipped yet. I completely understand your disappointment. That's definitely not what we want our customers to experience.
I have checked and found that this item is "Temporarily out of stock". I am sorry but it is not possible for me to inform you that when exactly this item would be shipped as we have not received this item from the manufacturer. I can assure you that once this item would be available, I will immediately send you the confirmation email along with the estimated delivery date. The manufacturer typically supplies the item within avail estimate of an order being placed.
I want to make sure your order gets to you faster once we have stock. To help make up for the delay, I've upgraded the shipping method to One Day at no extra cost. Although the shipping method is faster, it'll still take some time to get the item. As soon as we receive more stock, we'll ship your order and send you an e-mail to let you know.
If you'd rather cancel your order, I understand. To cancel your order, go to the URL below and click the "Need to cancel an item?" button:
However, this item is available from another seller on our site. If you'd like to place a new order for the item with the one day shipping method with a seller after canceling the original order, go to the page below to see the offers available:
After placing the order please write us back with the order number so that we can make the shipping charges free for you and honor the price difference but make sure that the item should be at least fulfill by Amazon.
I recognize that I may not have given you the resolution you really wanted but I hope you understand that this is the best that I could offer at this point with respect to my limitations.
One of our aims at Amazon.com is to provide a convenient and efficient service; in this case, we haven't met that standard. I'm truly sorry, and I hope you'll consider this an isolated incident and give us another chance in the future.
If you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact us by clicking below link:
We appreciate your business and hope that we will see you again soon at Amazon.com.
We'd appreciate your feedback. Please use the links below to tell us about your experience today.
Best regards,
Tapan S