Buongiorno! mi spiace disturbarvi ma volevo sapere se era possibile rintracciare il pacco, semplicemente comunicandomi il corriere, in quanto l'indirizzo di spedizione è il mio ufficio e chiudiamo dal 24 compreso. Volevo capire se sarebbe arrivato in tempo.
Good morning!I'm sorry to disturb you but I wanted to know if it was possible to trace it, simply comunicandomi the courier, as the shipping address is my Office and we close from 24 inclusive. I wanted to understand if it would arrive on time.Thank you very much
Hello! I'm sorry to bother you but I wanted to know if it was possible to track the package, simply communicating to the courier, as the shipping address is my office and close the 24 included. I wanted to see if it would come in time. Thank you very much
Good morning! I'm sorry to bother you, but I want to know whether may only be countless preheater package tracking, delivery address, it is closed from my office including 24. I want to know if you will arrive on time.