The Stakeholder Value ModelStakeholder management requires seniorcorporate managers to obtain anunderstanding of the concerns and goals ofall relevant stakeholders. These mattersmust then receive knowledgeable andrespectful consideration by corporatemanagement. Effective stakeholdermanagement involves organisation-widecore commitments to humanistic values,continuous learning, and adaptivebehaviour. To allow these to evolve,corporations must develop: (a) anappropriate organisational structure, (b)relevant strategies, and (c) appropriatepractices. There must be a corporateacceptance of the integrity of otherorganizations and interests, and the generalpublic. Commitment and learning becomeessential to the creation of organizationalwealth through stakeholder management. Itis necessary for managers to learn aboutstakeholders and therefore, in this decisionarena, management accountants mustprovide information on stakeholderdevelopments.