Table 2 demonstrated the statistical analysis of thecognitive scores between the control and the experimentalgroup before and after the experiment. At base line, thecognitive scores of all cognitive skills; attention, memory,and executive functions, between the control and theexperimental group were not significantly different (p=0.45,0.77, and 0.50 respectively). This indicated that the twogroups did not differ in cognitive ability before the experiment.After the experiment, it was found that there were significantdifferences of the cognitive scores between the control andthe experimental group (p=0.02, 0.01, and 0.03 respectively),which the experimental group’s average scores were higherthan the f control group (17.33>7.67, 16.04>8.96, and15.58>9.42, respectively). However, in memory skill, it wasfound that recognition showed no significant difference