The prospect of efficient combustion, highlighted by the discovery of the blue whirl, alsopresents many opportunities for fire whirl research. If fuel spills could be removed with significantly reduced emissions (e.g., minimal soot), it may be much easier to mitigate the hazardousconsequences of oil spills. Even if blue whirls cannot be formed at this scale, traditional fire whirlsproduce higher mass loss rates of fuel, burn at higher temperatures, and have been observed toentrain liquid fuel at their center, all of which may be favorable for fuel spill remediation. Energyproduction in unique environments may also benefit from this efficient configuration, althoughprecise control of the process will be vital to its practical implementation. Scientifically, the bluewhirl and its transition from fire whirls may present an interesting platform from which to learnabout the phenomenon of vortex breakdown and the formation of soot from different fuel sources.