In the Heaven-World there is a Fountain that leaps up like a great feathered plume, like a tower of crystal, and falls back into itself and spreads and widens — deep; and deep; and deep — into a pool of delight. By the side of it the Sacred Hazel Trees are growing. They lift them¬selves so loftily and put forth their branches so lustily be¬yond eyesight that no soul knows where an end comes to them: if end at all. Always in one joyous burgeoning they have leaves and fruit and blossom. Heavy-fruited clus¬ters of nuts they have, scarlet and vermilion, and one by one they drop into the Pool when they have come to ripe¬ness; stirring the waters, troubling them, till from their depths the Salmon rises. He is the Lord of the Pool. He is the Jewel of the Waters: every precious stone is his cover¬ing. Winnowing with mighty fins he rises, lighting the depths of the Pool with his brightness, scattering stars and
trstar-fire in the eddies of his rising. One by one he swallows the nuts in their falling: they are the Hazels of Wisdom. They are the clustered Nuts of Knowledge: and the Salmon, that has gold of the sun and silver of the moon in every shining scale of him, is the Salmon of Knowledge: