Analysis of my school’s performance in teaching and learning pronunciation recent years showed that our average score in phonics had been consistently below that of like other schools in urban areas. It was a situation that was of concern and motivated a thorough examination of the school’s approach to the teaching of phonics. <br>Our school is a public primary school in a mountainous commune of Ha Trung district. It is a large school with 309 students, ranging from 6 to 10 years old. There are two classes in most year levels, meaning that collaboration among teachers is extremely important to ensure consistency in learning programs. In the accademic year 2009 - 2010, Ministry of Education and Training applied pronunciation International as the framework in the program of teaching English for primary students. After the first year of teaching the book 3 I found that most of the students can not pronounce the new words correctly. They only focused on grammar and vocabulary and didn’t like to learn pronunciation during the lesson.