Da das Paket jetzt immer noch nicht da ist ich nur von ihnen seltsame Antworten bekomme die nicht zielführend sind möchte ich das Geld erstattet bekommen. Dieser Aufwand mit Ihnen hat mich viel Zeit und somit viel Geld gekostet!!! Ein sehr schlechter Service ihrerseits!!!
Because the package now is still not there I only of them weird answers asking are nowhere I want to get the money refunded. This effort with you has cost me much time and so much money!In turn, a very poor service!
As the package is still not as I now only get them strange answers that are not effective, I would like to receive a refund of the money. This effort you took a lot of time and thus a lot of money !!! A very poor service in turn !!!
This package is I do not have the answer now, you just get strange is not appropriate, my money back. This effort gives me a lot of time, so a lot of money! !! As a very bad service itself! !!