2.3. Measurement proceduresCommon voltammetric techniques such as cyclic voltammetry (CV),differential pulse voltammetry (DPV) and square-wave voltammetry(SWV) were utilized for assessing the electrochemical behaviour of TBon the miniaturized BDDE and for evaluating its analytical performanceunder optimal experimental conditions. As to the electrode treatment,before launching the particular experiments and averagely after everyten measurements, the active BDDE surface was only simply rinsed withdeionized water. All voltammograms were registered after addition ofparticular volumes of TB stock and/or working solutions into theelectrochemical cell (already containing 10 mL of supporting electro-lyte). The calibration curves were evaluated from the current responsesof analyte registered by DPV and SWV with the optimized instrumentalparameters (modulation amplitude, modulation time and frequency).The peak current (Ip) of TB was estimated from the straight lines con-necting the minima before and after the particular voltammetric peakmaximum, without applying any background correction. The resultswere statistically analyzed by OriginPro 8.0 (OriginLab, USA) and therelevant results (slope and intercept) were assessed in a 95% confidenceinterval. LODs were calculated as 3-times standard deviation of inter-cept divided by slope of the particular calibration curve.All voltammetric experiments (except for intra-day repeatability mea-surements) were carried out in triplicate at ambient temperature.