The findings of the present study also indicated that all the antecedents of the reported intentions on the TPB should be used to predict undergraduates’ intentions toward taking ethics courses, whereas outcome expectancy was the only significant predictor derived from the SCT. Moreover, the TPB model explained a greater amount of variance in the participants’ behavioral intentions toward taking ethics courses and also had a greater predictive utility for actual course enrollment behaviors than did the SCT. Our results contradict those of studies showing that the SCT model is more effective in predicting behavioral intentions than is the TPB model (Broadhead-Fearn and White 2006; Terry and O’Leary 1995), but was consistent with other studies showing that the TPB model is more effective in predicting behavioral intentions than is the SCT model (Lin and Chiou 2010). These results suggest that the relative strength of the predictive utility of the two models may be domain-specific.