Later, it was developed for seed crops with larger and harder seeds like Jatropha (C, R 2010). Many models and specifications were later designed from this original machine such as CAPU ram, Camartec ram, approTEC ram, IAE ram and RAM-32 (U, L 2007).e ram press is operated manually by hand press-ing. e seeds are pressed by a lever in the chamber using a ram piston. When the piston moves back, the seeds are automatically refilled at the end of the stroke. en, when the lever is pushed, it moves for-ward to the pistons. Physical strength is needed to operate this press as it requires pressure 190 kg/cm2 to extract oil from the seeds (A et al. 2012). e press is mostly operated by one or more men. erefore, the design has been improved to make it easier to press so that women can also operate this. However, the fuel is not used to operate it (zero fuel consumption).Low skills are simply required for its operation with low cost for maintenance and repairing. Addi-tionally, the piston’s bearing is a spare part which is often broken due to its original material from plas-tic, but it can be replaced with a steel bearing to re-duce repair costs (S 1999). is press is portable and purchases can be made with funds jointly. Hence, this is suitable for domestic use in rural areas thus they are not too dependent on the delivery of raw materials from the city to produce soap, cosmetics, detergents, cooking, lighting and motive power (T, S 2007).Strainer press. e strainer press (Fig. 3) is pow-ered by a diesel engine or an electric motor (M- et al. 2007). Steel bars are attached to a cage with gap sets for a discharge of the oil extraction and the gap can be adjusted in size to the type of the seed crop so that oil can be extracted from various types