The HBM was originally developed in the 1950s to predict whether individuals engaged in programs to prevent and detect disease. The HBM consists of five constructs proposed to influence the likelihood an individual will engage in a given health behavior to avoid an undesirable health outcome. They include: perceived susceptibility (perceptions of the likelihood that one will experience the outcome), perceived severity (perceptions of the seriousness of the consequences associated with the outcome), perceived benefits (potential advantages of engaging in the health behavior, including the behavior’s perceived efficacy in preventing the undesired outcome), and perceived barriers (perceived obstacles to engaging in the health behavior). Cues to action, the fifth and least studied construct in the HBM, are factors that signal or remind an individual to engage in the health behavior and range from experiencing symptoms to receiving persuasive appeals from the media, family and friends, or a health care provider.
The HBM was originally developed in the 1950s to predict whether individuals engaged in programs to prevent and detect disease. The HBM consists of five constructs proposed to influence the likelihood an individual will engage in a given health behavior to avoid an undesirable health outcome. They include: perceived susceptibility (perceptions of the likelihood that one will experience the outcome), perceived severity (perceptions of the seriousness of the consequences associated with the outcome), perceived benefits (potential advantages of engaging in the health behavior, including the behavior’s perceived efficacy in preventing the undesired outcome), and perceived barriers (perceived obstacles to engaging in the health behavior). Cues to action, the fifth and least studied construct in the HBM, are factors that signal or remind an individual to engage in the health behavior and range from experiencing symptoms to receiving persuasive appeals from the media, family and friends, or a health care provider.