What did you enjoy most about the workshop?• 3D observations - learning to see things in a different way• Working with a wider group of people and seeing how they approach thing differently.• Imagining how these (good) ideas could be taken to the city council• There is great story here!• This was way better then the IDEO workshop - you can't do anything in 4 hours (the IDEO workshop)• Exchanges ideas with professionals• A safe environment, and a good stepping stone for students.• Fast pace, and how it was good to come up with so many ideas in such a short pace of timeWhat did you enjoy least about the workshop?• Not knowing whether to jump in or not (referring to the helping of students)• Students NOT equal - saying there are equals made more pressure• The pressure to perform in front of tutors (facilitators)• Professionals and students aren't really equals• Too many middle aged men!• Lack of skills in observationIs there anything that you would recommend that we change (add or remove) to improve or further develop the workshop?• Too much covered.• Supply more information i.e. be good to give more pre workshop readings, more examples in the presentations etc.• Will be important to discuss more with participants how Design Thinking can be transferred to their business or organisation• The day structure needs more accuracy - i.e. breaks for food etc needs to be more defined- working over lunch not a good idea• Sessions too long on day one - overload• Need better structure/definitions around Insight/Persona generation. The use of Personas is important but could be waited more or less. Persons very useful in generating/checking ideas.• The task (design brief) could have been shaped a bit more