there is some expenses of project PT. MTU which have not been input yet, asf :
1. buying for electric wire 4 x 2,5 mm = 100 mtr @ IDR 1,323,000.= ( +/- USD $ 100 )
2. the DHL LOCAL CHARGE + TAX for MIST DISK @ IDR 1,245,000.- = ( +/- USD $ 95 )
and for the calculation between C CHANG - RAMLI for project : PT. IFI which have not been input is :
1. Adjusting post 1 pcs
2. Bend Track 13 pcs
I have discuss with Mr. Chen about this issue, please kindly check for how much is the remittance between
your quotation price that you had been email to me and the contract offer to PT. IFI. So then the between balance price
is my commission.