As the final step in the modeling process, a project team should decide on a structure for the Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI) that will be used to identify entities in the linked data set. When designing the URI structure, the project team should consult best practice documents such as Sauermann and Cyganiak's (2008) W3C Interest Group Note "Cool URIs for the Semantic Web" ( ONLD project team consulted with the NCSU Libraries Web team on how URIs could be structured around the libraries' web address, It was decided that an "1d" subdirectory would be created to contain all of the Acquisitions&Discovery department's future linked data projects. "ONLD" was chosen as the prefix for this data set, and organizations were assigned an eight-digit numeric identifier such as "00002261" or "0000008." A full URI from the NCSU ONLD would read as ""