Quick, quick,” Alex calls out to Matt from the sofa in her living room, “It’s starting!”
“Alright, I’m coming,” he chuckles, emerging from the kitchen with two steaming mugs of tea, “don’t get your knickers in a twist.” He passes her a mug and settles onto the sofa beside her.
“I’m not wearing any,” she mumbles around the rim of the mug, her eyes fixed solely on the TV screen.
“What?” He looks at her in shock before his smile softens in fondness.
“Shush,” she waves her arm at him and places her mug on the coffee table so as to give the television her full attention.
They watch Zoe Ball interview Peter Davidson, Liza Tarbuck and Daniel Roche. Alex giggles at Matt’s pre-recorded video interview, especially at ‘One last hurrah of the drunk giraffe!’
“What?” Matt complains with a pout.
“Nothing, you dance your socks off, darling,” she pats his knee affectionately, pecking a kiss to his cheek before returning her focus to the TV.
Zoe interviews Bernard Cribbins and Rufus Hound and then their wonderful Scottish friend, Steven Moffat, pops onto the screen.
“Would you like a biscuit with your tea?” Matt asks annoyingly just as the cameras return to Zoe. He’s doing it on purpose, just to wind her up. “Oh, perhaps we should pause it and I’ll put your tea in the microwave...it’s going cold, Alex,” he dips his finger in her tea to prove it.
“Oh, get off with you,” she grumbles, pulling his hand out of her mug, “and be quiet, they’re about to announce it!”
“...Peter Capaldi!!!”
“Oh my god,” Alex gasps as Peter walks onstage.
“Ha,” Matt chuckles in delight. “He’ll be a really good Doctor.”
“Mmmhmm,” Alex nods slowly, her hands still over her mouth.