bitte senden Sie der Kunde ein vorfrankiertes Rücksendeetikett so bald wie möglich. Wir bitten Sie, diesen Fall zu untersuchen und sich mit dem Kunden in Verbindung zu setzen. Bitte beachten Sie, dass der Kunde eine Rückmeldung in Deutsch bevorzugt.
Please send the customer a pre prepaid return end label as soon as possible. We ask you to investigate this case and to put up with the customers. Please keep in mind that the customer prefers a feedback message in German.
please send the customer a pre-paid return shipping label as soon as possible. We ask you to investigate this case and to contact the customer in connection. Please note that the customer prefers feedback in German.
Please vorfrankiertes R cksendeetikett as soon as possible. We ask you, the case investigation and contact with the customer. Please note that customer feedback German preferred.