The following guidance should be applied to laptops/tabletsthat use Hall Effect or gravity sensors to detect lid angle for the purpose of power reduction–With the lid is in closed mode (0 degrees), open the screen in 10 degree steps until laptop mode is obtained–Lower the screen 5 degrees. Closed mode should be reobtained. If not keep lowering in 5 degree steps.–Open the screen in 1 degree steps until laptop mode is reobtained–Continue opening the screen in 1 degree steps until at least 5 degrees past where laptop mode was obtained–Then continue opening the screen in 10 degree steps until tablet mode is obtained–Power measurements should be taken at each step–Reverse this procedure going from tablet mode back down to closed modeDepending on triggering mechanism the degree steps mayneed to be varied to confirmmechanism operationHall Effect and G-Sensors will still require a PAG