AGROINDUSTRIAL FERRETERA is a company created with the purpose of providing a service in the Industrial Area, supplying all the necessary materials for the installation and maintenance of any company.
we started in January of 1990, in a small local Independence Avenue, tie it up in the Space Sector,With a very definite idea of work with high quality products. To this end we Factories of high international prestige and getting Exclusive semi Exclusive lines such as Bearings and Wheels arsa® Ebro fag®, prints. Then came the power tools metabo®, Artistic elements and Iron Welding Equipment and telwin®,Electric Motors and GEARBOXES leeson®, Sealed Fluid sealco®, equipment Lubrication and greasing Mato®, surtek® and great neck® and other suppliers who have Trusted US and with whom We maintain excellent relations. Over the years, Our company had a High Growth, from hundreds to thousands of items in inventory,Prosper our sales dramatically. Every Day, the demand of goods was increased and imports were growing rapidly. The Growth of Our client portfolio and our range of products was in need of a larger Space.
so in October 1996 moved to Luperon Ave., next to the Plaza of the Flag,It has been a great success, with a wider local we have been able to develop new products and prepare a better display of the lines that represent, in a mainly industrial area. With the Care and attention, New Products and prices cautious we increased Growth, so that in a few years, already was small, so in August 2002,We devised a local in the Duarte Highway, in the sector of Los Alcarrizos, Greater amplitude from a year ago and that is a reality that is projected with a very bright future.
in the Year 2010 marks an important Event, as we are celebrating our 20th Anniversary,We are pleased that our clients have presented us with their trust in our company, showing that we are a leading company with major National Goals forward.
for such reasons, we are committed to give every day the best of us, and we Can Count on the support of our customers.So they keep supporting us in our goal of being more to serve you better.
"The Memory of the quality remains long after the price is forgotten."
President Juan Manuel Garcia