In order to investigate further the system performance in a large-scale scenario, the evolution of a portion of the grid characterized by a maximum available power of 6 MW during an 8-h period was also analyzed. Statistical simulations were performed for 10 different cases in which the arrivals of the users were modelled by using Poisson distributions with a mean value of 100 per 30 min, and random charging profiles were assumed. The analysis of the process was carried out by considering the three different efficiency profiles assumed in the previous analysis. The values of the utility profit obtained by using the SEWP and the MEWP approaches are 9210D and 8811D , respectively. Simulation results related to the average degree of user satisfaction in the different scenarios considered are summarized in Table 5. The data in the table evidence that, also in a large-scale scenario, although the two strategies show similar performances when a constant unitary efficiency is considered, the SEWP approach performs significantly better than the MEWP one in the presence of variable charging efficiency profiles. As shown, taking into account the relationship between the
charging efficiency and the charging rate is therefore crucial when aiming to develop effective variable-rate-based charging strategies.The study, which has been carried out by comparing two strategies taken as examples, can be also applied in order to evaluate the real effectiveness of any other possible charging method. Thus,the analysis performed gives useful well-founded guidelines forthe development of smart charging strategies for PEVs, as well as
for next-generation battery charging and smart grid management systems.
In order to investigate further the system performance in a large-scale scenario, the evolution of a portion of the grid characterized by a maximum available power of 6 MW during an 8-h period was also analyzed. Statistical simulations were performed for 10 different cases in which the arrivals of the users were modelled by using Poisson distributions with a mean value of 100 per 30 min, and random charging profiles were assumed. The analysis of the process was carried out by considering the three different efficiency profiles assumed in the previous analysis. The values of the utility profit obtained by using the SEWP and the MEWP approaches are 9210D and 8811D , respectively. Simulation results related to the average degree of user satisfaction in the different scenarios considered are summarized in Table 5. The data in the table evidence that, also in a large-scale scenario, although the two strategies show similar performances when a constant unitary efficiency is considered, the SEWP approach performs significantly better than the MEWP one in the presence of variable charging efficiency profiles. As shown, taking into account the relationship between the当旨在发展有效的基于可变速率的收费策略,充电效率和充电率因此十分重要。研究,进行了通过比较两种策略为例,也可为真实评价的任何其他可能的收费方法。因而,进行的分析给有用的确凿指引发展的智能收费策略为学券计划,以及下一代电池充电和智能电网管理系统。