Le vétérinaire écossais John Boyd Dunlop inventa en 1888 les premiers pneus gonflés d'air ou "pneumatiques". Pour cela, il attacha des tuyaux en caoutchouc à des roues en bois et recouvrit les zones de contact de toile épaisse.
Il plaça ces premiers pneus sur un tricycle et fit des essais. Constatant que cela ne présentait aucun problème, Dunlop fixa alors des morceaux de caoutchouc à la toile afin d'éviter les dérapages et essaya ces pneus sur une bicyclette. Le résultat fut une réussite et cela marqua le début de l'ère des pneus.
Le pneu à tringle inventé par C.K. Welch en 1891 marque une importante percée dans l'histoire du pneumatique. Cette même année, les frères Michelin brevetèrent des pneus qui pouvaient être montés ou démontés manuellement. En 1904, Firestone et la société Goodyear mirent au point des pneus à tringles à flancs droits et presque tous les fabricants de pneus aux Etats-Unis suivirent leurs techniques de fabrication avant 1908.
Entre temps, en 1913, la Grande Bretagne mit au point la méthode à carcasse radiale qui différait de la précédente méthode à carcasse diagonale, laquelle utilisait l'ossature de pneu à corde. Cependant, la méthode à ossature radiale n'a été largement utilisée que 35 années plus tard, en 1948, lorsqu'elle fut adoptée par Michelin. L'ossature était faite d'un tissage de fil de coton épais. A cause des prix élevés, il n'était plus possible d'utiliser le fil de soie néanmoins plus fort dans la fabrication de cette ossature.
The Scottish veterinarian John Boyd Dunlop invented in 1888 first tires inflated air or "pneumatic". To do this, he attached rubber hoses to wooden wheels and covered the contact zones of thick canvas. He placed these first tires on a tricycle and fit testing. Noting that this presented no problem, Dunlop then fixa chunks of rubber to the canvas in order to avoid slippage and tried these tires on a bicycle. The result was a success and this marked the beginning of the era of the tires.The tire Rod invented by C.K. Welch in 1891 marks an important breakthrough in the history of the tyre. That same year, the Michelin brothers patented tires that could be assembled or disassembled manually. In 1904, Firestone and Goodyear society began at the pushrod straight-sided tires and almost all manufacturers of tires in the United States followed their techniques of manufacture prior to 1908.Meanwhile, in 1913, Britain mit developed the radial method that differed from the previous method to ply, which used the backbone of tire cord. However, the radial frame method has been widely used until 35 years later, in 1948, when it was adopted by Michelin. The frame was made of a thick cotton thread weaving. Because of high prices, it was possible to use FLOSS still stronger in the manufacture of this frame.

john boyd dunlop invented the scottish veterinarian in 1888 the first or "pneumatic air inflated tires. this set of rubber tubing and covered with wooden wheels, the contact zones of heavy canvas. he put these tires on a tricycle and fit testing. noting that this was not an issue.this set of pieces of rubber from the web in order to avoid mistakes and tried the tires on a bike. the result was a success, and it was the beginning of an era of tire the tire rod. "in 1891. welch was invented by mark a major breakthrough in the history of the tyre. in the same year.michelin tire patented brothers can be fitted or removed by hand. in 1904, firestone and goodyear tire tracks developed side rights and almost all tire manufacturers in the united states and their manufacturing technology before 1908. meanwhile, in 1913.britain developed the method in radial, which differed from the previous method for diagonal (bias ply), which was the backbone of the tire cord. however, the method has been widely used in radial frame 35 years later, in 1948, when it was adopted by michelin. the frame is made of a thick cotton weaving yarn. because of the high prices.it was not possible to use the silk thread, however, higher in the manufacture of the frame.