Future workThe air quality monitoring networks should be laid out in a way to provide the optimum sampling of the distribution of air pollutants, in order to assess air pollution and its impact on human health at a regional scale. The method proposed by our study may have great potential in the assessment and optimization of air quality monitoring networks with the development of remote sensing. In the future, some aspects of this research still require improvement. Firstly, images with high spatial resolution will be used in the future, which could help improve the accuracy of the proposed air quality monitoring station locations from the optimization. Secondly, the location of monitoring stations is a complex and exact matter. Locations of air monitoring stations are constructed based on the needs, such as assessment of traffic, the estimation of background concentrations in urban areas, epidemiology exposure, and city planning. Therefore, layout of the station should follow its own requirements, but could use the layout derived from method proposed in this article as a reference