España mantiene el liderato destacado, por encima de Alemania, en el ránking de competición de clubes de las federaciones de la UEFA, cuya tercera plaza está muy disputada entre Inglaterra e Italia.
España y Alemania consiguieron que sus siete equipos accedieran a las fases de grupos de la Liga de Campeones y la Liga Europa. La Liga BBVA además ha batido el récord de tener cinco conjuntos en el primer torneo continental.
De esta forma, ambas Federaciones incrementan su ventaja respecto a sus perseguidores. España, tras la primera jornada de la fase de grupos, ha incrementado su ventaja y acumula un total de puntos de 86,427, diecinueve más que Alemania (68,177).
Inglaterra trata de mantener su puesto en el ránking -calculado por los resultados de los últimos cinco años- ante Italia para asegurarse cuatro plazas en la Liga de Campeones 2017/18.
La 'Premier League' recibió puntos antes de la primera jornada de la fase de grupos gracias al triunfo del Manchester United en la última ronda previa, mientras que el Lazio cayó, pero las tres derrotas inglesas en dicha fecha mantinenen la esperanza italiana, que trata de dar por finalizado un periodo de seis campañas con tres conjuntos.
Leer más: España mantiene el liderato sólido en ránking federaciones competición clubes - MARCA.comEspaña mantiene el liderato destacado, por encima de Alemania, en el ránking de competición de clubes de las federaciones de la UEFA, cuya tercera plaza está muy disputada entre Inglaterra e Italia.
España y Alemania consiguieron que sus siete equipos accedieran a las fases de grupos de la Liga de Campeones y la Liga Europa. La Liga BBVA además ha batido el récord de tener cinco conjuntos en el primer torneo continental.
De esta forma, ambas Federaciones incrementan su ventaja respecto a sus perseguidores. España, tras la primera jornada de la fase de grupos, ha incrementado su ventaja y acumula un total de puntos de 86,427, diecinueve más que Alemania (68,177).
Inglaterra trata de mantener su puesto en el ránking -calculado por los resultados de los últimos cinco años- ante Italia para asegurarse cuatro plazas en la Liga de Campeones 2017/18.
La 'Premier League' recibió puntos antes de la primera jornada de la fase de grupos gracias al triunfo del Manchester United en la última ronda previa, mientras que el Lazio cayó, pero las tres derrotas inglesas en dicha fecha mantinenen la esperanza italiana, que trata de dar por finalizado un periodo de seis campañas con tres conjuntos.
Leer más: España mantiene el liderato sólido en ránking federaciones competición clubes -
Spain maintains the leadership interest, over Germany, in the ranking of the federations of UEFA club competition, whose third place is very disputed between England and Italy.Spain and Germany got their seven teams access to the stages of the Champions League and Europa League groups. Liga BBVA has also broken the record of having five sets in the first continental tournament.In this way, both federations increase his advantage on his pursuers. Spain, after the first day of the group stage, has increased its advantage and accumulated a total of points of 86,427, nineteen more than Germany (68,177).England tries to keep his position in the ranking - calculated by the results of the last five years - before Italy to ensure four-seater in the 2017/18 Champions League.The Premier League received points before the first day of the group stage thanks to the triumph of Manchester United in the last preliminary round, while Lazio fell, but the three British defeats in that date vibe hope italiana, which seeks to terminate a period of six campaigns with three sets.Read more: Spain maintains solid lead in ranking federations competition clubs - Marca.comespana maintains the leadership interest, over Germany, in the ranking of the federations of UEFA club competition, whose third place is very disputed between England and Italy.Spain and Germany got their seven teams access to the stages of the Champions League and Europa League groups. Liga BBVA has also broken the record of having five sets in the first continental tournament.In this way, both federations increase his advantage on his pursuers. Spain, after the first day of the group stage, has increased its advantage and accumulated a total of points of 86,427, nineteen more than Germany (68,177).England tries to keep his position in the ranking - calculated by the results of the last five years - before Italy to ensure four-seater in the 2017/18 Champions League.The Premier League received points before the first day of the group stage thanks to the triumph of Manchester United in the last preliminary round, while Lazio fell, but the three British defeats in that date vibe hope italiana, which seeks to terminate a period of six campaigns with three sets.Read more: Spain maintains solid lead in ranking federations competition clubs -

Spain maintains the lead over Germany, ProMinent in the ranks of Club Competition UEFA Federations, whose Third Square is contested between England and Italy. Spain and Germany got their Seven teams access to the Group stages of the Champions League and Europa League.The Liga BBVA has also broken the record of having Five sets in the first Tournament. In this way, both Federations increased his advantage over his pursuers. Spain, after the first day of the group stage, has increased his Advantage and accumulated a total of Nineteen 86427 Points, more than Germany (68177
).England is maintaining his position in the ranking calculated by the results of the last five years - to Italy to ensure the four Champions League places in 2017 / 18.
the 'Premier League' received points before the first day of the group stage thanks to the victory of Manchester United in the final preliminary Round while Lazio Fell,But Three defeats British hope that date has Italian, which is terminated by a period with three sets of six campaigns. Read more:
Spain maintains the lead in solid Federations ranking Competition clubs - prominent marca.comespaña maintains the lead, Ahead of Germany, in the Ranking of Club Competition federations of UEFAThe third place is contested between England and Italy. Spain and Germany got their Seven teams access to the Group stages of the Champions League and Europa League. The Liga BBVA has also broken the record of having Five sets in the first Tournament. In this way, both Federations increased his advantage over his pursuers. Spain,After the first day of the group stage, has increased his Advantage and accumulated a total of Nineteen 86427 Points, more than Germany (68177).
England tries to keep his spot in the rankings calculated by the results of the last five years - to Italy to ensure the four Champions League places in 2017 /
18.The Premier League points received before the first day of the group stage thanks to the victory of Manchester United in the final preliminary round, while Lazio Fell, but Three defeats British hope that date has Italian, which is terminated by a period of six years with three sets.
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Spain maintains the lead in solid Federations ranking Competition clubs -