与客户沟通的重要性及方式与客户沟通的重要性及方式与客户沟通的重要性及方式 沟通在我们生活当中无处不在,从某种意义上讲,沟通已经不再是一种职业的中文翻譯


与客户沟通的重要性及方式与客户沟通的重要性及方式与客户沟通的重要性及方式 沟通在我们生活当中无处不在,从某种意义上讲,沟通已经不再是一种职业技能,而是一种生存方式。 作为从事销售行业的我们与客户之间最宝贵的是真诚、信任和尊重。而我们和客户之间的桥梁是沟通。懂得倾听客户的话语,从客户的话语中可以得知对方是否真正的理解了我们说话的意思;懂得如何说,使客户的尊严得到了维护,并且拉近与客户之间的距离。如果无法了解客户需要,浪费我的时间,更浪费客户的时间,彼此还达不到一个令人满意的效果。 那么在我们与客户沟通中,需要注意什么,又有什么技巧呢? 1.倾听与应答 优秀的销售人员一定是一个出色的倾听者。当客户提出问题时1.倾听与应答 优秀的销售人员一定是一个出色的倾听者。当客户提出问题时,他一定是去倾听而不是去指导去理解而不是去影响,去顺应而不是去控制。不过,事实上大部分的销售人员都不是优秀的销售人员,因为他们不是出色的倾听者,造成这种现象的原因就是心理定势,即认为倾听是被动的。他们认为要想销售成功,就是要想方设法说服客户,因此,他们认为与客户沟通就必须努力说、努力讲、努力去证明或证实。实践表明,要在销售沟通中与客户建立良好的合作关系,销售人员首要的是应该学会倾听,倾听客户的需要,倾听客户的深层需求;同时向客户传递这样一种信息:我并不总是赞同你的观点,但是尊重你表达自己观点的权力。这就是人员销售中的“先迎合、再引导”原则。 欲成为一个优秀的销售人员,就应该经常主动地与客户进行交流沟通,在集中精力倾听客户需要、需求的情况下作出积极的反馈与应答。对客户的反馈与应答包括表现出注意听讲的身体语言,发出一些表示注意听讲的声音或顺应地提出问题等诸多细节。不过,在作出反馈或应答时,应避免人为产生的一些偏差,比如夸大或低估、过滤或添加、抢先或滞后、分析或重复等。2.积极交流 掌握并善于使用积极交流的技巧,对于销售人员来说具有莫大的助益,积极的交流还要求销售人员在销售前主动与客户接触,在销售后主动与客户保持联络。 非语言沟通 非语言沟通是借助于人们的语音、语调、表情、目光、体姿等肢体语言所进行的信息交流。尽管语言沟通起到的是一个方向性和规定性的作用,但是,事实上非语言沟通才准确地表达了传递信息的真正内涵。概括地说,非语言行为在信息沟通中不但起到了支持、修饰或否定语言行为的作用,而且在某些情况下,还可以直接替代语言行为,甚至反映出语言行为难以表达的思想情感。 1).副语言 副语言是指说话的语音、语调、语气等,比如语音低沉、稳健或激昂、高亢等,语调的高低,语气的轻重,节奏的快慢等,它们伴随着语言表达信息的真正含义,因而副语言与语言之间的关系非常密切。研究发现,副语言尤其能表现出一个人的情绪状况和态度,影响到人们对信息的理解以及交流双方的相互评价。 2).表情 表情是人类在进化过程中不断丰富和发展起来的一种辅助交流手段。表情不仅能够传递个人的情绪状态,而且还能够反映出一个人的喜、怒、哀、乐等内心活动。 3).目光 目光是非语言沟通的一个重要通道,“眉目传情”就是一种很好的说明。事实上,在人际交流沟通中,有关沟通双方的许多信息,都是通过眼睛去收集和接收的。目光,作为一种非语言信号,销售人员使用目光可以向沟通对象传递肯定、否定的态度,质疑或认同等情感信息在人员销售的沟通中,销售人员要善于使用目光,如用目光来表示赞赏或强化客户的语言或行为,用目光来表示困惑等。 4).体姿 所谓体姿,就是指人们在交流沟通过程中所表现出来的身体姿势。比如前倾、后仰、托腮沉思等状态或姿势。研究表明,无论多么老练、深沉的沟通,人们对待他人的态度都很难在体姿上给予掩盖或隐藏。虽然体姿5).服饰与发型 个人仪表,尤其是销售人员的服饰和发型是其沟通风格的延伸与个性的展示。有研究显示,服饰的重要性,甚至成了销售人员通向成功之路的决定性因素之一。人们普遍认为,着装正式不仅是职业化的表现,更是对客户的尊重。此外,销售人员还需要关注自己的发型,来自对客户的抽样调查认为,销售人员的发型不宜过于个性化与时髦、前卫,否则会给客户留下一个过于超前而显得不太稳重的印象。因此,销售人员通过其服饰与发型等外表所传递的非语言信息应该是积极、进取、热情、开朗、沉稳、健康的,这样才容易获得客户的认同。 6).肢体语言 对消费行为的深入研究发现,销售沟通过程中,客户一般会通过三种肢体语言来传递非语言信息,表明对销售人员的传递的信息持反对、犹豫还是接受的态度。这三种肢体语言就是面部表情、身体角度和动作姿势。你的一个小小的细节,会影响整个事情的成败。 积极的沟通不仅是有效销售的前提,而且也是销售人员将公司的理念与价值观、产品与服务、公司品牌与形象等向客户传递、传播和扩散的过程。请注意你的沟通方式与技巧,会为你带来意想不到的惊喜! 。
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結果 (中文) 2:[復制]

importance and importance and the importance and ways of communication with customers and customer communication and customer communication communication in our daily life everywhere, in a sense, communication is no longer an occupation skill, but a way of life. Between us and the client as the industry sales in the most precious is sincere, trust and respect. And the bridge between customers and us is communication. Listen to the words of customers, from the customer's words can know each other really understand what we say; know how to say, make customer dignity has been maintained, and close the distance with the customer.If you are unable to understand customer needs, waste my time, more customers waste time, each other has not yet reached a satisfactory result. So in our communication with customers, need to pay attention to what, what skills? 1 listening and answering outstanding sales personnel must be a good listener. When a customer question 1 listening and answering outstanding sales personnel must be a good listener. When a customer asked the question, he must be to listen and not to direct to understand not to influence, to adapt to and not to control. However, the fact that most of the sales personnel are not outstanding sales personnel,Because they are not a good listener, the reasons for this phenomenon is the psychological tendency, that listening is a passive. They think the sales success, is to try various devices to convince customers, therefore, they believe that communication with customers must try to say, try to speak, trying to prove or confirm. Practice shows that, to establish good relationship with customers in the marketing communication, the sales staff is first and foremost should learn to listen, listen to customer needs, deep demand listening to customers; at the same time transfer this information to the customer: I don't always agree with you, but you are respecting the right to express themselves.This is the sales of "first, and then to guide" principle. To become an outstanding sales personnel, it should take the initiative to often communicate with customer, provide feedback and response actively concentrated on listening to customer needs, demand situation. The feedback and response including the show attention body language to the customer, make some attention sound or conform to the questions and so on many details. However, in the feedback or response to, should avoid some bias artifacts, such as overestimated or underestimated, filtration or add, leading or lagging, analysis or repetition. 2Communicate actively grasp and use positive communication skills, have a great help for the sales staff, the active communication also requires that the sales staff in the sales of active contact with customers, in the sales after the initiative to liaise with the customer. Nonverbal communication nonverbal communication is the exchange of information is based on people's speech, intonation, facial expressions, eye, body posture and body language. Although the language of communication plays a directional role and regulation, however, the fact that nonverbal communication to accurately express the real meaning of information transmission. Generally speaking, nonverbal behaviors in communication not only played a support,Modified or negative language behavior, and in some cases, also can directly replace language behavior, and even reflect the language behavior is difficult to express thoughts and feelings. 1). Vice language refers to the pronunciation, intonation, tone, such as voice low, moderate or high, high, high degree of intonation, tone, pace, they are accompanied by the true meaning of language, so the relationship between language and language between very close. The study found, paralanguage particular to the emotional state and a person's attitude, affect the mutual evaluation of people's understanding of the information and exchanges between the two sides. 2.Expressions is a kind of auxiliary human constantly in the process of evolution and development of the means of communication. Expressions can not only transfer the individual's emotional state, but also can reflect a person's joy, anger, sadness, joy, inner activities. 3). Eye gaze is an important channel of nonverbal communication, "send speechless messages" is a very good description of. In fact, in interpersonal communication, a lot of information about the communication between the two sides, is to collect the eyes and received. Look, as a kind of nonverbal signals, the sales staff to use eye can transfer to the communication object must, negative attitude,Question or identity of emotional information in marketing communication, sales personnel should be good at using the eye, such as use eyes to appreciate or strengthen customer language or behavior, use eyes to express confusion. 4). Body posture the body posture, is refers to the people to display in the communication process of body posture. For example, forward, backward, Tuosai meditation state or position. Research shows that, no matter how sophisticated, deep communication, people's attitude towards others are difficult to cover or hide in the body posture. Although the body posture 5) dress and hairstyle personal appearance,Especially the sales staff dress and hair style is the style of communication extension and personality of the show. Research has shown the importance, clothing, and even become one of the decisive factors in road leading to the successful sales personnel. People thinks generally, formal dress is not only the occupation of performance, it is respect for customers. In addition, the sales staff also need to pay attention to their hair, from that survey to customers, sales staff hair should not be too personalized and fashionable, avant-garde, otherwise it will give customers leave a too far ahead and is not very stable impression. Therefore,Nonverbal information sales through its clothing and hairstyle looks the transfer should be positive, initiative, enthusiasm, cheerful, calm, healthy, so easy to obtain customer acceptance. 6). Body language in-depth study of consumer behavior, marketing communication process, the customer will generally to convey non-verbal information through three kinds of body language, show that transfer information to sales staff, hesitant or opposed the attitude of acceptance. These three kinds of body language is the facial expressions, body posture and movement angle. A small details you, will affect the whole the success or failure of the matter. Active communication is not only the premise of effective sales,Process but also the sales staff will ideas and values, products and services, the company brand and image transmission, spread to the customer and diffusion. Please note that your communication style and skills, will bring the beat all surprise for you!.
結果 (中文) 3:[復制]

与客户沟通的重要性及方式与客户沟通的重要性及方式与客户沟通的重要性及方式 沟通在我们生活当中无处不在,从某种意义上讲,沟通已经不再是一种职业技能,而是一种生存方式。 作为从事销售行业的我们与客户之间最宝贵的是真诚、信任和尊重。而我们和客户之间的桥梁是沟通。懂得倾听客户的话语,从客户的话语中可以得知对方是否真正的理解了我们说话的意思;懂得如何说,使客户的尊严得到了维护,并且拉近与客户之间的距离。如果无法了解客户需要,浪费我的时间,更浪费客户的时间,彼此还达不到一个令人满意的效果。 那么在我们与客户沟通中,需要注意什么,又有什么技巧呢? 1.倾听与应答 优秀的销售人员一定是一个出色的倾听者。当客户提出问题时1.倾听与应答 优秀的销售人员一定是一个出色的倾听者。当客户提出问题时,他一定是去倾听而不是去指导去理解而不是去影响,去顺应而不是去控制。不过,事实上大部分的销售人员都不是优秀的销售人员,因为他们不是出色的倾听者,造成这种现象的原因就是心理定势,即认为倾听是被动的。他们认为要想销售成功,就是要想方设法说服客户,因此,他们认为与客户沟通就必须努力说、努力讲、努力去证明或证实。实践表明,要在销售沟通中与客户建立良好的合作关系,销售人员首要的是应该学会倾听,倾听客户的需要,倾听客户的深层需求;同时向客户传递这样一种信息:我并不总是赞同你的观点,但是尊重你表达自己观点的权力。这就是人员销售中的“先迎合、再引导”原则。 欲成为一个优秀的销售人员,就应该经常主动地与客户进行交流沟通,在集中精力倾听客户需要、需求的情况下作出积极的反馈与应答。对客户的反馈与应答包括表现出注意听讲的身体语言,发出一些表示注意听讲的声音或顺应地提出问题等诸多细节。不过,在作出反馈或应答时,应避免人为产生的一些偏差,比如夸大或低估、过滤或添加、抢先或滞后、分析或重复等。2.积极交流 掌握并善于使用积极交流的技巧,对于销售人员来说具有莫大的助益,积极的交流还要求销售人员在销售前主动与客户接触,在销售后主动与客户保持联络。 非语言沟通 非语言沟通是借助于人们的语音、语调、表情、目光、体姿等肢体语言所进行的信息交流。尽管语言沟通起到的是一个方向性和规定性的作用,但是,事实上非语言沟通才准确地表达了传递信息的真正内涵。概括地说,非语言行为在信息沟通中不但起到了支持、修饰或否定语言行为的作用,而且在某些情况下,还可以直接替代语言行为,甚至反映出语言行为难以表达的思想情感。 1).副语言 副语言是指说话的语音、语调、语气等,比如语音低沉、稳健或激昂、高亢等,语调的高低,语气的轻重,节奏的快慢等,它们伴随着语言表达信息的真正含义,因而副语言与语言之间的关系非常密切。研究发现,副语言尤其能表现出一个人的情绪状况和态度,影响到人们对信息的理解以及交流双方的相互评价。 2).表情 表情是人类在进化过程中不断丰富和发展起来的一种辅助交流手段。表情不仅能够传递个人的情绪状态,而且还能够反映出一个人的喜、怒、哀、乐等内心活动。 3).目光 目光是非语言沟通的一个重要通道,“眉目传情”就是一种很好的说明。事实上,在人际交流沟通中,有关沟通双方的许多信息,都是通过眼睛去收集和接收的。目光,作为一种非语言信号,销售人员使用目光可以向沟通对象传递肯定、否定的态度,质疑或认同等情感信息在人员销售的沟通中,销售人员要善于使用目光,如用目光来表示赞赏或强化客户的语言或行为,用目光来表示困惑等。 4).体姿 所谓体姿,就是指人们在交流沟通过程中所表现出来的身体姿势。比如前倾、后仰、托腮沉思等状态或姿势。研究表明,无论多么老练、深沉的沟通,人们对待他人的态度都很难在体姿上给予掩盖或隐藏。虽然体姿5).服饰与发型 个人仪表,尤其是销售人员的服饰和发型是其沟通风格的延伸与个性的展示。有研究显示,服饰的重要性,甚至成了销售人员通向成功之路的决定性因素之一。人们普遍认为,着装正式不仅是职业化的表现,更是对客户的尊重。此外,销售人员还需要关注自己的发型,来自对客户的抽样调查认为,销售人员的发型不宜过于个性化与时髦、前卫,否则会给客户留下一个过于超前而显得不太稳重的印象。因此,销售人员通过其服饰与发型等外表所传递的非语言信息应该是积极、进取、热情、开朗、沉稳、健康的,这样才容易获得客户的认同。 6).肢体语言 对消费行为的深入研究发现,销售沟通过程中,客户一般会通过三种肢体语言来传递非语言信息,表明对销售人员的传递的信息持反对、犹豫还是接受的态度。这三种肢体语言就是面部表情、身体角度和动作姿势。你的一个小小的细节,会影响整个事情的成败。 积极的沟通不仅是有效销售的前提,而且也是销售人员将公司的理念与价值观、产品与服务、公司品牌与形象等向客户传递、传播和扩散的过程。请注意你的沟通方式与技巧,会为你带来意想不到的惊喜! 。
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