Уважаемые! Что происходит! Заказ не отслеживается! Отчет об окончании доставки не меняется количество дней! Верните деньги! Завтра обращаюсь в полицию! Высылайте заново! Решайте проблему!!!
Dear! What is going on! The order is not being tracked! Report of completion of delivery does not change the number of days! Return the money! Tomorrow call the police! Send again! Solve the problem!
Dear! What's happening! Order is not monitored! The report on the completion of the delivery does not change the number of days! Return the money! Tomorrow go to the police! Please send again! Solve the problem !!!
dear! what's going on. the order is not monitored. a report on the completion of delivery did not change the number of days. i want my money back! tomorrow, i turn to the police. send again. solve the problem! !!