The patient demographics are outlined in Table 1.Among the 25 patients analyzed, 15 received divertingstoma and 10 underwent Hartmann’s procedure.Two of 15 patients in diverting stoma group receiveddiagnostic laparoscopy first, then converted to laparotomy;while the other 13 patients in diverting stomagroup and 10 patients in Hartmann’s procedure groupunderwent laparotomy. All 15 patients in divertingstoma group had intra-abdominal drainage. The meanage of the former group of patients was 72.7 years andof the latter group was 79.8 years. The proportion ofpatients with ASA grade III or IV was lower in patientswho underwent Hartmann’s procedure. Therewas no significant difference in the severity of the patientsbetween both the groups with regard to the preoperativeWBCcount, CRPlevels and Hinchey grade.The short-term surgical outcomes were listed in