=== Zombie Apocalypse Revised ===
This is basically a modified version of Zulufoxtrot's Zombie Apocalypse Mod, which features zombie models from some other game (I can't remember what game it was now), that was ported over by someone else back in the Fallout 3 days and long before FNV.
I basically ported ZA over from my F3 folder and re-seeded the entire map of FNV (plus all the DLCs) with the Zombie Spawn Markers.
I placed each marker carefully where I wanted it, so the spawning is quite different from Zulu's version (his F3 ZA mod, can't speak for his FNV version, I never tried it). All markers are equally spread out and zombies spawn just about anywhere.
Alas , the Zombies in this version hit for a ton of damage and have a lot more HP then in the original version. For instance, the regular zombies have 125 HP (If I recall right), while the insane zombies are set at 350 HP and hit for more damage then a deathclaw.
So better have some serious firepower packed.
Some zombies are also set to spread cazador poison and so it is advised to carry antivenom with you. Most other zombies spread infection and will turn none-essential NPCs to zombies.
You might wanna run a companions essential mod, if you want your companions to live lol.
What follows is a list of the plugins and what they do.
A) Zombie Apocalypse Normal Edition.esm
The Master File. All data is drawn from it. This file deploys 14465x Zombie Spawn Points to the Mojave Map. It features Zombie Challenges that are repeatable, plus a Zombie Kill counter displayed like a challenge.
B) Zombie Apocalypse Perks.esm
- Optional File.
- Requires = Zombie Apocalypse Normal Edition.esm & DLC Honest Hearts.
Adds 2 perks to the game; one is called "Zombie Slasher" and is meant for the Melee orientated fighter. The other is called "Zombie Sniper" and is meant for the Ranged orientated fighter. (basically adds a ton-load of DT to the player as well as damage increase, but only against Zombie targets, nothing else).
C) Zombie Apocalypse Globals.esm
- Optional File (but recommend).
- Requires = Zombie Apocalypse Normal Edition.esm.
Adjusts the Spawn Timer to exactly 240 seconds, which from my testing seems ideal in order to allow a more lag free and less crashing game.
D) Zombie Apocalypse - The Strip and North Vegas.esm
- Optional File
- Requires = Zombie Apocalypse Normal Edition.esm
Adds around 110x Zombie Spawn Points between the whole Strip and the small North Vegas map.
E) Zombie Apocalypse - Freeside Only.esm
- Optional File
- Requires = Zombie Apocalypse Normal Edition.esm
This file adds 160x Zombie Spawn Points to Freeside, both sides of the Town. The King's Corner has fewer Zombie Spawn Points then the other side.
F) Zombie Apocalypse - Westside Only.esm
- Optional File
- Requires = Zombie Apocalypse Normal Edition.esm
This files adds only 90x Zombie Spawn Points to Westside, as it is a small town as it were.
G) Zombie Apocalypse - Dead Money Spawn Points.esm
- Optional File
- Requires = Zombie Apocalypse Normal Edition.esm, DLC Dead Money & Zombie Apocalypse - Dead Money NPC A.I Changes and Essentials.esm
This file adds 470x Zombie Spawn Points to the Dead Money Maps.
H) Zombie Apocalypse - Dead Money NPC A.I Changes and Essentials.esm
- Requires = Zombie Apocalypse Normal Edition.esm & DLC Dead Money.
- Sets Ghost and Trap Faction to be friendly with the ZA Zombie Faction.
- Also alters Dean's, Dog/God's and Christine's A.I and faction so they won't attack player when fighting the Zombies while not a companion.
- Also sets them to essential.
Yes that is correct, if that plugin is not enabled when running the ZA Dead Money Spawn Points.esm, the Dead Money companions will attack you when they are not in your party and you are attacking zombies. That is because the zombie faction is friendly with the Ghosts, and the way it is set-up (from what I remember), the companions are set to be friendly or neutral with Ghosts while they are not in the players party, or rather moved from one faction to another, so they won't get attacked by Ghosts. But Ghosts are basically befriended with Zombies, so attacking Zombies caused companions (while not in party) to attack the player. This plugin solves the issue. It's too long and complicated to explain, trust me. Just run this if you run Zombie Apocalypse - Dead Money Spawn Points.esm
Once your inside the Sierra Madre, you can turn it off, as there will be no zombie encounters inside the Sierra Madre.
I) Zombie Apocalypse - Honest Hearts Spawns.esm
- Optional File.
- Requires = Zombie Apocalypse Normal Edition.esm & DLC Honest Hearts.
This File adds 1129x Zombie Spawn Points to the Honest Hearts Maps.
J) Zombie Apocalypse - Old World Blues Spawns.esm
- Optional File.
- Requires = Zombie Apocalypse Normal Edition.esm & DLC Old World Blues.
Adds 890x Zombie Spawn Points to the Old World Blues Maps.
Note: I have not yet tested out this plugin for stability and what NPCs/Creatures may need a essential plugin. So use at your own risk.
K) Zombie Apocalypse - Lonesome Road Spawn Points.esm
- Optional File.
- Requires = Zombie Apocalypse Normal Edition.esm & DLC Lonesome Road.
This File adds 449x Zombie Spawn Points to the Lonesome Road Maps.
Note: I have not yet tested out this plugin for stability and what NPCs/Creatures may need a essential plugin. So use at your own risk.
Optional folder
There is a optional folder that as 1x ESM file in it:
Dead Money - More Spawns.esm
- Optional File.
- Requires = DLC Dead Money.
Adds a few more Ghost spawn markers to the DLC map, that's all.
Additionally there are two zip files entitled: "Meshes for Fast Zombies" & "Meshes for Slow Zombies".
Basically one set allows for running zombies and the other for shuffling zombies, use one or the other. The default meshes animations I have setup are for slow zombies.
Installation is just a copy/paste procedure into the data folder as it were with any meshes/textures/sounds etc...folders from a mod.
Modding Folder
There is a folder called "ESP Files for editing purposes". Those are for modding purposes and you can use them if you wish to decrease/increase Zombie Spawn points in any of the plugins.
Load Order
- FalloutNV.esm
- DeadMoney.esm
- HonestHearts.esm
- OldWorldBlues.esm
- LonesomeRoad.esm
- GunRunnersArsenal.esm
- Dead Money - More Spawns.esm
- Zombie Apocalypse Normal Edition.esm
- Zombie Apocalypse Perks.esm
- Zombie Apocalypse Globals.esm
- Zombie Apocalypse - The Strip and North Vegas.esm
- Zombie Apocalypse - Freeside Only.esm
- Zombie Apocalypse - Westside Only.esm
- Zombie Apocalypse - Dead Money Spawn Points.esm
- Zombie Apocalypse - Dead Money NPC A.I Changes and Essentials.esm
- Zombie Apocalypse - Honest Hearts Spawns.esm
- Zombie Apocalypse - Old World Blues Spawns.esm
- Zombie Apocalypse - Lonesome Road Spawn Points.esm
- Other Plugins...
Essential NPC Folder
I have made several plugins (which I use) that set many quest related NPCs and Creatures to essential, so that zombies won't be able to kill them and screw up quests. NPCs and Creatures set to essential will only be rendered unconscious. If you need to kill a particular NPC/Creature, save game, exit and turn the plugin in question off and kill the target, then exit again and enable the essential esp you turned off, in order to allow for other quest related NPCs to survive and save your quests. This is the only way to solve the quest breaking problem with ZA. I'm sorry if this may seem annoying to you, but it's worked fine for me these last few years.
I tried to split up the NPCs a little so that when a plugin was turned off temporarily, not every single NPC on the map was temporarily vulnerable to dying due to the zombies.
And I tried to keep it at a minimal amount of plugins as well (it be absurd to make a plugin for each single quest related NPC...)
Here are the essential plugins:
- Misc. Quest related NPCs Essentials
- Settlements & Tops Performers Essentials
- Van Graffs Essentials
- Victor & Jane Essentials
- Honest Hearts - Essentials
- Legion Essentials
These plugins have prevented all my quests from being screwed up due to zombies, so they should work for you as well I believe.
They are my old plugins, as I use updated versions that are dependent on my 20th Century Weapons Mod. But that's beside the point. They should all work well enough.
I included pictures of the TESnip with all NPCs listed that are set to essential. I labeled each picture, so you can check which plugin to turn-off, when you need set a particular NPC to none-essential.
Un-zip the zip file you downloaded and copy/paste: Meshes, textures, sounds and the esm files into your FNV Data folder.
This should be as following ---> C:steamstea