Tomato of variety Himshikhar storedunder ambient and BOD incubator condition inHDPE shows a gradual decrement in mean valuesof entire physical parameters viz. polar diameter(4.80 – 3.63 cm), major diameter (5.80 – 4.28 cm),minor diameter (5.35 – 3.90 cm), AMD (5.317 – 3.933cm), GMD (5.299 – 3.922 cm), mass (87.218 – 66.640g), volume (90.00 – 64.50 ml), sphericity (91.438 –68.873%), surface area (88.181 – 64.422 cm2), density(0.973 – 0.773 g/cc) and shape factor (1.011 – 0.746),which increase with increase in storage period.Similar trends were reported by Varshney et al.(2007). Some samples were spoiled after day fiveof storage. Tomato (Himshikhar) stored underrefrigerator condition shows decrement in meanvalues of polar diameter (4.28 – 4.18 cm), majordiameter (4.98 – 4.78 cm), minor diameter (4.80 –4.60 cm), AMD (4.68 – 4.52 cm), GMD (4.673 – 4.508cm), mass (59.219 – 59.065 g), volume (61.25 – 54.50ml), shape factor (1.027 – 1.019) and surface area(69.171 – 64.557 cm2) with increase in storageperiod. Whereas the values of sphericity (94.006 –94.510 %) and density (0.971 – 1.093 g/cc) showsincrement. Result data explicit that the TSSincreased (6.200 – 6.575 0brix) with increase instorage time for all the storage conditions. Tomatovariety NS-524 stored under ambient temperaturein HDPE shows decrement in mean values ofphysical parameters like major diameter (4.47 – 4.38cm), minor diameter (4.27 – 4.25 cm), AMD (4.322 –4.289 cm), GMD (4.320 – 4.288 cm), mass (50.478 –50.221 g), volume (52.33 – 48.67 ml), surface area(58.842 – 57.975 cm2). Although the samples werespoiled after four days of storage. Whereas thevalues of shape factor (0.989 – 0.992), density(0.966 – 1.033 g/cc), sphericity (96.738 – 97.859 %)and TSS (4.467 – 5.067 0brix) increasedcontinuously and polar diameter (D1) remainunchanged (4.23 cm) before samples get spoiled.The decrement was observed in entire physicalparameters viz. polar diameter (4.33 – 2.77 cm), majordiameter (4.50 – 2.93cm), minor diameter (4.37 –2.73 cm), AMD (4.400 – 2.811 cm), GMD (4.399 –2.809 cm), mass (50.662 – 32.381 g), volume (51.67– 30.00 ml), surface area (60.921 – 37.345 cm2),density (0.976 – 0.717 g/cc) and shape factor (0.992– 0.648) under refrigerator storage conditions. Halfthe samples were spoiled after five days of storage.Only TSS increased (5.733 – 6.467 0brix)continuously. Data explicit that the tomato (NS-524) stored under BOD incubator condition showeddecrement in mean values of the entire physicalparameter. The samples were spoiled after 3 daysof storage under BOD incubator condition. Density(1.018 – 1.118 g/cc) and TSS (4.700 – 5.033 0brix)increased with increase in storage time but majordiameter (D2) shows no change (4.50 cm) duringstorage.