November is an important month for taking charge of your money and resources as well as the practical side of your life, dear Libra. Even so, it's also a brilliant time for diversifying, sharing, and connecting with others. You're in excellent shape for communicating your ideas and plans with a distinctive flair. You're attracting quite a bit of attention for your unique perspective.
Your ruler, Venus, forms a special relationship (mutual reception) with Jupiter in your sign from the 1-12, and this can bring many blessings to you. Although this isn't the best time for consistency or focus, it's a great period for learning, teaching, and connecting with others in happy, supportive ways. You'll find that others follow your lead and go along with your plans without too much ado. Your words are particularly appealing and charming. Your input and intelligence are sought and more fully acknowledged and appreciated. It's a strong time for presenting or publishing your ideas. You can have many projects going at once, but you're likely to enjoy this extra busy-ness.
You also benefit from a Mars-Uranus boost to your relationship sectors from the 9th forward. Mars and Uranus are also in a special relationship, and while Mars can be a little too brusque or impatient at times, it's cooperating well with other planets this month. Desires are strong but realizable now. Relationships have a lively quality to them, and you're likely to get the feeling that you're headed in the right direction both romantically and creatively. You are courageous about seeking out what you want in your relationships, and this confidence is attractive.
Venus moves into your home and family sector on the 12th, just days after Mars leaves this area of your chart. You'll begin to see a marked improvement in your relationships with family and increased harmony in your home life with these shifts. You can take particular pleasure in domestic activities during this period, but do watch for this going a little too far around the 24-25. There is a tendency now to think that you can have it all or do it all when compromise serves you much better.
The New Moon on the 29th has similar themes, but the subject is different. This is a time for new beginnings with a communications project or course of study, and the weeks following this New Moon are great for enjoying your personal interests. However, there is a tendency to overcommit and then feel overwhelmed. Tame this, and you'll be in an excellent place. One of the major keys to enjoyment in November is moderation.