論文一:Concluding remarks1. 用一句話總結本篇論文提出的系統:We have presented a two-stage的繁體中文翻譯

論文一:Concluding remarks1. 用一句話總結本篇論文

論文一:Concluding remarks1. 用一句話總結本篇論文提出的系統:We have presented a two-stage multi-view analysis framework for understanding human activity and interactions. 英文的句型通常使用現在完成式,也有人使用過去式。2. 系統的主要作法:The analysis is performed in a distributed vision system (called ‘Track-Body Synergy’ (TBS)) that synergistically integrates track- and body-level representations from multiple views.3. 貢獻:The main contributions of the paper are: (1) context-dependent view switching for occlusion handling, (2) switching the multi-level analysis between track- and body-level representations, and (3) integration of data-driven bottom-up process and context-driven top-down process for human activity understanding.4. 實驗的結果:Experimental evaluation shows the efficacy of the proposed system for analyzing multi-person interactions.5. 目前系統的限制:Our current implementation uses two cameras, but the extension to more cameras is straightforward.6. 未來的研究方向:We plan in the future to implement multi-thread processes for diverse selections of the views. The use of a hierarchical HMM structure for recognizing more general activity patterns also belongs to our future plan. (在學位論文中有人會加上標題:Future research directions,不過這是不正確的英文用法,建議改用Recommendations for future research)
原始語言: -
目標語言: -
結果 (繁體中文) 1: [復制]
論文一:<br><br>Concluding remarks<br>1. 用一句話總結本篇論文提出的系統:We have presented a two-stage multi-view analysis framework for understanding human activity and interactions. 英文的句型通常使用現在完成式,也有人使用過去式。<br><br>2. 系統的主要作法:The analysis is performed in a distributed vision system (called ‘Track-Body Synergy’ (TBS)) that synergistically integrates track- and body-level representations from multiple views.<br><br>3. 貢獻:The main contributions of the paper are: (1) context-dependent view switching for occlusion handling, (2) switching the multi-level analysis between track- and body-level representations, and (3) integration of data-driven bottom-up process and context-driven top-down process for human activity understanding.<br><br>4. 實驗的結果:Experimental evaluation shows the efficacy of the proposed system for analyzing multi-person interactions.<br><br>5. 目前系統的限制:Our current implementation uses two cameras, but the extension to more cameras is straightforward.<br><br>6. 未來的研究方向:We plan in the future to implement multi-thread processes for diverse selections of the views. The use of a hierarchical HMM structure for recognizing more general activity patterns also belongs to our future plan. (在學位論文中有人會加上標題:Future research directions,不過這是不正確的英文用法,建議改用Recommendations for future research)
結果 (繁體中文) 2:[復制]
* :<br><br>結束語<br>1. []:我們提出了一個兩階段多視圖分析框架,用於理解人類活動和相互作用。[],[]<br><br>2. [:分析在分散式視覺系統(稱為"軌道-身體協同"(TBS)中執行,該系統協同集成了來自多個視圖的軌道和身體級表示。<br><br>3. [:本文的主要貢獻是:(1) 上下文相關視圖切換,用於遮擋處理;(2) 切換軌道級和體級表示之間的多級分析,以及 (3) 資料驅動的自下而上過程和上下文驅動的自上而下過程,用於對人類活動的理解。<br><br>4、 實驗評估顯示所建系統對多人交互分析的有效性。<br><br>5. *:我們目前的實現使用兩個攝像頭,但擴展到更多的相機是直接的。<br><br>6、 *:我們計畫在未來實施多執行緒流程,以進行各種視圖選擇。使用分層 HMM 結構來識別更一般的活動模式也屬於我們未來的計畫。(:未來研究方向,對未來研究的建議)
結果 (繁體中文) 3:[復制]
論文一:<br>Concluding remarks<br>1.用一句話總結本篇論文提出的系統:We have presented a two-stage multi-view analysis framework for understanding human activity and interactions.英文的句型通常使用現在完成式,也有人使用過去式。<br>2.系統的主要作法:The analysis is performed in a distributed vision system(called‘Track-Body Synergy’(TBS))that synergistically integrates track- and body-level representations from multiple views.<br>3.貢獻:The main contributions of the paper are:(1)context-dependent view switching for occlusion handling,(2)switching the multi-level analysis between track- and body-level representations,and(3)integration of data-driven bottom-up process and context-driven top-down process for human activity understanding.<br>4.實驗的結果:Experimental evaluation shows the efficacy of the proposed system for analyzing multi-person interactions.<br>5.現時系統的限制:Our current implementation uses two cameras,but the extension to more cameras is straightforward.<br>6.未來的研究方向:We plan in the future to implement multi-thread processes for diverse selections of the views. The use of a hierarchical HMM structure for recognizing more general activity patterns also belongs to our future plan.(在學位論文中有人會加上標題:Future research directions,不過這是不正確的英文用法,建議改用Recommendations for future research)<br>
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