After I read “Pride and Prejudice,” I am deeply impressed by Mr. Darcy and Miss Elizabeth. They were prideful and had prejudice toward each other. Mr. Darcy proposed to Elizabeth but Elizabeth rejected him. As a result, Mr. Darcy made Mr. Bingley and Jane separated. On the other hand, Elizabeth thought Mr. Darcy ruined Mr. Wickham’s chances and treated him with sarcasm. Therefore, Elizabeth said to Mr. Darcy, “You are the last man in the world whom I could ever be persuaded to marry.”It was powerful and made Mr. Darcy vibrated. Although Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth were in disapproval of each other at the beginning. Nevertheless, after they realized their real feelings, they accepted one another. I consider that people could not judge someone without knowing them well and should not judge anybody by the first impression. Pride and Prejudice taught me a lot. I learn a great number of things about people’s behaviors in Victorian era. Hence, this great book brought me abundant knowledge.